01 December 2009

Proverbs 31:14

"She is like the merchants' ships
She bringeth food from afar"

The meaning of this verse seems to be fairly clear, in that it is the virtuous wife's responsibility to provide food for her family. I find it interesting that it mentions her bringing food from afar, since it would have been unlikely that she would have traveled to far off places in search of food, especially since so many of her duties are in the actual home. I think the meaning is simply that she provides a variety of foods, she is bringing things in from the outside to be able to prepare a balanced diet.

I find it rather neat when you think about the day to day responsibilities of the wife in Bible times, and you compare them to today, and how in essence, they aren't all that different. Certainly the manner in which we go about them are different, but the principles are the same. She cooked, she cleaned, she did laundry, she maintained the household, all the same responsibilities of a godly wife today. Isn't it amazing how God designed your role as a keeper at home, so long ago, and how it is still the perfect role for you? I think about how there are not all that many things so clearly explained in practical terms through the Scriptures, and yet, God thought that the role of a wife was important enough to describe in such detail! Surely this must mean that our duties add up to something so much more valued than mere "housekeeping". I know it is easy to become discouraged with all of the mundane day to day duties, it happens to me as well. But we must remember the preciousness of the role God created for us, and focus on what it truly means to be a "homemaker", and rest assured in knowing that God will bless us for our obedience to Him.



  1. Thanks for this study Melly! I hadn't thought about the point you made about our job being important enough for God to give details in the Scriptures about it. Wow, talk about food for thought.

    Thanks for putting so much into these studies that you're sharing, and for your lovely blog. Very inspiring. When are you going to write a book? lol. (like you don't have enough to do;P)

  2. Thank you for your sweet comments Amy! Your kind words are such an encouragement!

    I had never really thought about our role as homemaker being so important until it hit me one day that God must see it as important, or He would not have said so much about it!

    I think we all get bogged down by the "mundane" but we need to find ways to remind ourselves of the importance of what we are doing!

    Melly Elizabeth
