29 December 2009

Family Breakfasts and My Sweet Boys

With our new schedule we have gone back to eating breakfast together as a family. It is such a nice way to start the day. The boys love that extra time with Daddy, and it just feels like everything gets started on the right foot.

It amazes me how well the boys will play together, especially with a structured activity like blocks or coloring. Joe is really wanting to be one of the big boys lately and loves sitting at the table just like them.

And just 'cuz he's cute...

This afternoon I found these two cuddling up under a blanket in the "big chair"...

It's becoming more and more apparent how close these two are...they are just the best of friends and it makes me incredibly happy. I love listening to them talk to each other and hearing Jacob teach Joshua things or explaining something to him. I am amazed at how caring Jacob can be, and how much patience he has for the Bear.

Well I am off to finish up dinner and to put up our new color coded family schedule!


28 December 2009

Happy Monday!

We are still enjoying our own little winter wonderland here...well I say "enjoying" but I don't think it was so fun when my poor husband had to carry groceries up the long hill through the snow!

Little Joshua was worried that our pool was gone! But we explained to him that it is just under the snow, and it will be there when the snow melts, lol.

I can't help it, but every time I look at a picture of my boys I think they must be the cutest kiddos on the planet...

We are starting a new schedule this week, now that things are settling down with baby Jamie. We plan to start kindergarten next week, so we really need to be settled into a good routine.

Happy Monday!

26 December 2009


"I'm a snow-duck, Mommy". I'm not sure what a snow-duck is exactly, but apparently Joshua is one.

We were amazed at just how much snow there actually was! This was definitely the biggest snow we have ever seen!

At first the boys were a little weary, but they quickly figured out that snow is FUN!

Jacob was brave enough to sled down a hill! He was so thrilled. He wanted to be sure that I would stand at the bottom to catch him. I love my cautious little Jacob!

Joshua says. "I'm a reindeer pulling my sled."

I love seeing the snow on the trees and landscape. It's just so peaceful and pretty...

What could be more fun then sledding with your brothers?

Heading Out to Play in the Snow!

Getting ready to go play in the snow is quite an undertaking, LOL. All of the coats, hats, gloves and what-not...

The boys were just so excited though. They had been eagerly watching the snow fall since Christmas Eve, and waiting (not so) patiently to have a chance to play in it.