Yesterday was a busy day and there was no time to write a post, but I wanted to take a minute to remind myself of the many things I have to be thankful for. And so, it is Thankful Thursday on Friday!I am thankful for new glass milk jars! A dear friend was able to get the farmer that she buys from to sell us ten brand new glass milk jars at cost! What a huge blessing!
I am thankful for my growing box of sewing patterns. It feels so nice to be able to make things for my family to wear.
Titus and Hannah dropped by for a visit and brought a bag of apples for the boys. I am so thankful for little boys who appreciate such simple sweet things as a delicious apple for a treat!
I am thankful for the farmer who plowed the entire road leading to our house, and our lane all the way up to where our vehicle was parked AND all around our mailbox. What kindness!
I am so thankful for my big boy, who still loves to cuddle with me. I know he won't always be little, so I want to remember to cherish these moments while I have them.
I am thankful for the infectious laugh of little Joe. You almost cannot hear him laugh without joining along!
Above all though, I am thankful for my heavenly Father, who loves me so much when I am so undeserving. Even when I fail Him, over and over again everyday, He continually pours out blessings and love on my life. I will never be able to comprehend the magnitude of His love for me. I think of how much I love my children, and am reminded that as much as I love them, it is merely a drop in the bucket compared to how much He loves me.
With Love and a Thankful Heart,
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