28 August 2008

Baby Joseph is Six Months Old!

My little Joseph is six months old this week! My how the time has gone by so quickly. It seems like he is growing up so much faster than the other two. I have heard that happens as you have more children. He is such a big baby, I already have him in 12 month sized clothes! I cannot believe how tall he is, I think he is going to be tall like his daddy. It shouldn't be too surprising, Jacob has always been at the very highest percentile for height, and Joshua is taller than average as well, and of course my husband is over six feet. He is doing so much babbling now, he really wants to talk. I think having older brothers makes him try to do things at a faster pace. He watches them and tries so hard to be involved when they play. It must be so nice to have siblings close to your age! They are all so close to each other and so sweet, just the best of friends. It is so heartwarming to see them together. Yesterday the two older boys were being quiet (which is always a bit worrisome so mother's of little boys...) and I peeked in their room to see them laying side by side on Jacob's bed looking at a book together. Just precious!

I saw a lovely idea this morning and thought I might make it for the boys. I put their name vertically on a page and then next to each letter put a Bible verse. I had such a nice time looking through the Scriptures for just the right verses. It was neat to find verses that related to their names, or that I thought they would particularly like. Jacob was so excited to see his and could hardly wait for me to finish! I'd like to hang them by each of their beds.

This afternoon a young man that works for my husband asked him if I knew of any ways to make grilled cheese a little extra special. (His wife needed to make grilled cheese sandwiches for some sort of event). It feels so nice to be the one that people come to with cooking or homemaking questions. Sometimes I start to feel like everything that I do is so "ordinary" but every now and then again I get reminded that the little things that I do matter to the people that I am doing them for. It was nice that someone would think to ask me for help, and I love being able to offer that help.

I began a new cross-stitching project yesterday. In all my organizing I found a piece of cross-stitching fabric that I had forgotten about. I had been longing to do another cross-stitch but thought that I did not have any more fabric. What a pleasant surprise! Jacob was excited when I pulled out my box of embroidery floss. "What are you going to make, mama?", he asked. I told him that I was making a picture with flowers and he exclaimed, "Oh good! Mommies love flowers! That's why I like flowers in our house." What a sweet boy he is!

We are still waiting to hear back about the house. I know that God has a plan for us, it's just hard sometimes not knowing what that is:). I suppose I am still working on the virtue of patience. My heart is still young!


  1. Melly,

    I noticed you love to cross stitch and love the Lord. I design cross stitch designs with Bible verses. I would love to give you a free chart of your choice - even have Proverbs 31! I like what you did with the childrens names and Bible verses, I do something similar with my Name Blessings designs.

    Hope to hear from you - www.joyfulexpressions.us

