13 August 2008

Homemaking Challenge

Ok, so I haven’t been posting my homemaking challenges lately. It’s just been so busy. We had our vacation and then everything fell behind a bit, and then it was time to start school. We started our new schedule and it is working well. So things are settling back into routine and I have time to blog again.

So my homemaking challenge today is…
1. Bake an apple pie. My husband’s office is having a “Dessert Day” tomorrow, which is somewhat like a pot-luck where everyone is bringing in a dessert. So I am making an apple pie.
2. Finish the newsletter for Modest Melly’s. A bit behind on this one, I intended to send it out last week, sorry ladies! :)
3. Laundry. I only need to do one load today. I am totally caught up and on schedule on this one. Hooray!
4. School~ This week the focus is on kindness and sharing.
5. Give oodles and oodles of hugs and kisses to my boys. (I’m not sure exactly how much oodles is, but I’m pretty sure that it’s a lot.)

Happy Homemaking!

Happy Homemaking!


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