13 August 2008

A Bunny Friend and Letting Go

One of the things that is so neat about living in a rural area is that our children get to see God’s creations just by looking out of the window. We’ve been seeing quite a few deer and bunnies lately and yesterday one little bunny decided to stay around for a while, right out side of the school room window. In the school room we have windows that are floor to ceiling on three walls and the little bunny was not more than three feet from us. He didn’t run off even as the boys were talking to him through the window. He looked at us and kind of watched us as we watched him. He was so cute eating the little yellow dandelions. We think that he lives under our porch. There seems to be a whole family of them living there, we see them quite often.

Monday I cleaned out the boy’s dressers and closets and switched out things to the next size up. It seems that things are moving more quickly from one boy’s closet to another's. I used to have to pack the clothes that Jacob had outgrown away until Joshua was ready for them, and the same with Joshua’s for Joseph, but this time around there were quite a few items that just moved straight to the next closet or drawer. As we were getting Joshua ready for bed last night my husband asked “Wasn’t Jacob wearing these nannies (our word for pajamas) just recently?” Joshua is only eight pounds behind Jacob, and Joseph is nearly as long as Joshua (seriously, he is so unbelievably tall). I literally pulled pants out of Joshua’s drawer to put into Joseph’s. And I have pretty much given up on separating socks and undershirts. They now just go into a communal drawer for the big boys. These boys are growing so fast. Not that long ago Joshua was a skinny and somewhat awkward (I mean that very lovingly of course) baby who spit up all the time and couldn’t eat anything, and now he is, well, um, not exactly skinny. I am amazed at how strong he is. He can climb up onto anything as long as he can grip it so that he can pull himself up. It is amazing the arm strength he has.

I’ve had to realize too that I do baby the boys quite a bit. I tend to coddle them, and Jacob has a personality that really allows for that. For instance, I have still been getting him dressed and undressed, it just never really occurred to me that he could do it himself. Now Joshua does not want to be coddled, he wants to do it himself. The other day we were getting into the suburban to go somewhere and usually I pick up Jacob and help him in and then pick up Joshua and put him into the back and then into his car seat. Well I opened the door and then had turned to say something to my husband and I felt someone push past me. I looked down and realized that Joshua had climbed into the back on his own. I had no idea he could do that! He even climbed up into his car seat. So then of course we had to convince Jacob that he could do it too. Yes, Jacob is three, and really should have been able to do it for quite some time now, but he is my cautious little one, and to be honest, I’ve really liked that he wants me to baby him. But I suppose it is time to let go (a little, just a teeny tiny little, right?) I’m sure you the more experienced mothers out there would laugh at me, those who have already gone through adolescence and even had their children marry, but it’s really hard to let go, even if it’s just a little.

Why does it seem that time has gone by so much quicker with Joshua and Joseph than it did with Jacob? Joseph is already scooting around on his belly and almost sitting up, and I know it won’t be long before he’s mobile and talking. He seems very eager to try new things, I suppose watching his brothers makes him want to do more. And all of the sudden Joshua is talking more and more, I hear “Like Jake!” a LOT, which is what he says when he wants to do whatever his brother is doing. I’m sure it won’t be long before I’m hearing “Like Joshie” from little Joe.

Oh my boys, just don’t grow up too fast!


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