27 August 2008

A Busy Little Bee

I have been a busy little bee the last few days. I am trying to figure out ways to store my many, many, (perhaps way too many) craft supplies that do not take up as much space. I know that no matter where we end up moving it is unlikely that I will have space for a craft room, but I would like to have my supplies somewhere handy. I love to create things, my boys enjoy watching me make things, and my husband appreciates my crafting as well. He frequently tells me that he loves when I sew, knit, or cross-stitch and that it is such a feminine thing to do. And Jacob loves to watch me sew. He is fascinated by the process of turning a length of fabric into a dress. So I know that it is important that I find a way to store my supplies in such a way that I can continue these hobbies no matter where we end up. Perhaps I have been a bit spoiled in having an entire room devoted to these things, but I am actually finding lately that I am just bringing my projects into the other rooms so that I can work on them as I have time throughout the day. So while it is a nice luxury, lately it has just been a fancy place to store my belongings.

Yesterday I organized my sewing supplies into a pretty blue and white sewing basket and it was so nice to reminisce about my beginning days of sewing. As I sorted all of the supplies I couldn't help but to think that it wasn't too many years ago when I wouldn't have known what to do with at least half of it. Oh far I have come. Not that I am a master seamstress by any stretch of the imagination, but I have enjoyed the process of learning, and I am still so excited that I can put together a wearable dress. I love being able to choose the fabric and create a dress that is uniquely mine. I have been saving the scraps from each dress that I make that I would love to make into a quilt.

I also spent some time untangling a mess of embroidery floss. I usually wrap all the floss on little cards and store it by color in a box with compartments, but with the last project I made I ended up just piling it all in my basket. So I got all of that situated and in its proper place now. I have a smaller sewing basket that I am using for all of my emboidery and cross-stitching supplies.

We went and looked at the white farmhouse again yesterday evening. Apparently another couple had expressed interest before we did, so we will not know until tomorrow if they are taking it. It was a little disappointing to not have an answer, but I know that if this is where God wants us, then it will work out. And if it is not, then He has something else in store for us. It is difficult to be patient, I sometimes have a tendency to want everything a certain way, but I am really trying to let go and understand that I cannot control this. It is sometimes surprising to people that I can be a "control freak" because I am rather soft spoken and quiet. And I'm not controlling in a bossy pushy sort of way. I just like to have everything in order, and when it is not, then I feel like I have to worry about it. If only I could color code, label and organize everything...But life is not that way. I know that my husband is leading our family according to God's will, and that I can take comfort in that. I know that as long as we are following God that He will provide for us according to what His Will.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." ~Matthew 6:33

He may not give us everything we want but He will give us what we need.

There is still much preparation to be done. My husband has said that whether this is the house or not we are going to be downsizing, so either way I need to do my part of getting us ready.

The little ones are a bit rambunctious today. Jacob, who is usually my calm one, was wrestling Joshua earlier. I am usually having to tell Joshua to calm down a bit, but today Jacob is the wild one.

Our family is in what I have heard described as "the noisy years". We have three little boys aged three and under. Yes, at times it can be a bit noisy, but I am also surprised at how many calm moments we have. I am constantly amazed at how sweet the boys are to one another. I am amazed at how still and quiet that will sit when we sing together. And how tender they can be with their affections. And yes, sometimes I am amazed at the amount of noise and chaous that the can create. What amazes me at times is how they can one minute be wrestling and crashing trucks together and the next minute so tenderly rubbing Baby Joseph's head. They have such a combination of masculine energy and sweetness.


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