13 February 2009


  1. Are your older two out of diapers? I don't put suspenders on them until that milestone. I've tried. Oy.

    Do you shop at Target? I think I've seen that bear pillow there.

    Oh, did you get a heap of snow? We got some up here. Papa had to drive real slow coming home.

  2. The little ones are so precious! I love their smiles!

  3. Kim,
    Unfortunately, we are still in diapers!!!! At first it was a challenge with the suspenders, but I figured out that we could just slip them over the shoulders for changes.

    We did buy the boy's bedding set at Target. We do not live close to one so do not shop there often, but we did go into town to make this purchase. We really liked the set and thought that it was so appropriate for their bedroom, especially since Joshua has always been our little "bear".

    We only had a light dusting of snow, nothing major here.

    Melly Elizabeth
