23 February 2009

My little bear is two!!!!

My how he has grown in the last year. It is hard to imagine that one year ago, he was not yet really talking, not quite walking, and was preparing to become a big brother! And now, he is quite the talker, with his slow deliberate words and his deep husky voice. I am amazed at how much he really does say. I had thought he would not be so advanced because he waited longer to start talking than Jacob had. But oh how he has surprised me! And now he is running and climbing and ever so adventurous. And he is an excellent big brother! I love watching him play and talk to Joseph. I am taken aback at how the rough-house, but then my heart is melted to see them so tender and affectionate with one another. And nothing brings as much cheer to my heart as hearing them giggle together at night before falling asleep.

There is nothing so sweet as when my little bear climbs into my lap, with his "nap" and his thumb in his mouth, and cuddles in for bear hugs and kisses on his forehead. Except for maybe when he puts his fingers on my mouth as I sing hymns to him. Or perhaps when I say, where is my Joshie bear and he responds with a delighted "Here I am!" Or if you ask him where his bear growl is and he points inside his mouth and says "Right der" Too Cute!

Happy Birthday Joshie-Bear!


  1. Happy Birthday Joshua!!! What a cute cake. The tractor is nice also!
