13 February 2009


  1. I believe that is a shirt you made yourself. Am I right? The fabric looks similar to what I've bought for my boys. Sadly, someone else has to make them. :( I really should try again with my machine. There just seems to be a problem with the entity sitting in front of it.

  2. Awww, how precious!!!

    I love your covering...I have been looking for one similar to it but all the ones I have seen were rather see thru which I didn't want.

    Would you be willing to make me one? I would pay you for it of course. :)

    Hope you all have had a blessed weekend!

    May you all have a safe and productive week ahead. Begin each day with the Father!


  3. Kim,
    Actually, I did not make this shirt. One of the ladies from church gave this one to me with several other things she handed down to Joseph. I do most of our sewing, but this lady was kind enough to give me a bag of baby clothing, and it was such a blessing!

    Melly Elizabeth
