My friend Sharon and most of her children came over to help with planting our garden. Their help was such a blessing! They arrived in the forenoon and were there till about four in the afternoon. It was hot (the high reached 93 degrees!) and hard work but we got the garden in!
Sharon and I sorted through seeds and made plans while Leon went over the garden spot with the tractor and tiller once more. Karen cut the last ten pounds of seed potatoes. Jamie loved playing in the big bowl of potatoes!
The children had such a time playing together. The Eicher children are some of their favorite playmates, so they really enjoyed spending the day outside with them. Bethany and Victor pushed the littler ones around in the toy cars. Leon took all of the children on a ride in the trailer behind the tractor.
Leon took such care in explaining to Jacob all about how the tractor works and what such and such does. Jacob really enjoyed learning all about it! Victor is one of Jacob's best friends, so they really had a fun time together. Jacob likes playing with the older boys, since they do such big things! :)
Justin and Joseph caught a toad! They played with their toad friend and chased him around. Finally they decided to let him go into the tall grass. What fun!
All of the children enjoyed watching the big tractors at work on the farmland around us.
For our noon meal I made two casseroles of homemade Beefaroni, vanilla pudding, and fresh bread with apple butter. The sweet tea was certainly refreshing after working in the heat!It was so wonderful to all work together and to see how much we could get done! We managed to get everything in, except for pumpkins and watermelons. We ended up plowing two additional spots to make it all fit! Sharon was such a help in figuring out how much of what to plant and where. She answered my many questions with such patience!
I am excited to watch our garden grow, and to see what will come of the fruits of our labors. I am so thankful for the land to plant, and the resources to plant with, and for such great friends to help! I feel so blessed indeed!
In Him Who First Loved Us,
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