Several weeks ago we were at the farm supply store and these adorable ducks caught our attention. Jamie just loved them! He enjoyed them so much that we decided to take two home with us, and so we have added "Chuck" and "Quackers" to our little homestead. :)I had no idea that ducks were so fully of personality! They are just adorable and ever so humorous! We have been keeping them in a little cage in the living room, although I think they are nearly ready to move to a pen outside. They have been growing so fast! They must be nearly doubled in size already.
Jacob has been taking on the task of cleaning out the duck cage and caring for them. The boys really enjoy taking care of animals. They are going to make rather good farmers someday. :)
We took the ducks for a swim in the bathtub! Oh, did they ever enjoy that! It was just precious to watch them learn to paddle. Chuck was quite giddy when we figured out he could swim backwards! We are planning to put one of the little plastic child's pools in their enclosure. We do have a pond but it's not close to the house and they are too little to be out there.
We are really enjoying having ducklings. They are such a joy!
Love in Christ,
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