20 May 2011

"Babies Don't Keep"

"The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow,
for children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep."
- Ruth Hubert Hamilton

A friend had shared this little poem the other day and I felt quite challenged by it! How easy it is to forget such a simple truth.

Mothers are busy. This is another simple truth. There's laundry and housework and child training and cooking and homeschooling and, and, and... It's so easy for all these things to begin to crowd out the little moments. I'm learning though, that it's all of the little moments that define life. The moments where you stop to kiss an owie, or snuggle a three year old "just because". The moments where you stop what you are doing to help a child with a puzzle, or to just watch the rain with them. These little moments are the things they think of when they think of "Mommy". Yes, washing dishes is very important, and keeping a tidy house does matter. But children will not grow up to treasure the clean house they grew up in, they will cherish the love their mother had for them.

Children grow fast. I want to cherish this special time in our lives that many people refer to as the noisy years, or the busy years. I want to rock my little ones, for as long as they'll let me. I want to hold hands with my five year old and enjoy a special walk to the garden to see how the plants are growing. I want to listen to my Bear tell me all about the interesting rocks he found while playing outside. I want to "tuddle" with "tute" Joe as tells me all about his day. The dishes can wait, I'm cherishing my babies, before it's too late!

In Christ,


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