21 May 2011

Marking Puzzles

Our family enjoys jigsaw puzzles. If you have puzzles and small children, then you know how easy it is for pieces to disappear only to be found months later under a table leg!

My simple solution to the obvious question of "Which puzzle is this from???" is this: I mark each puzzle with a number or letter (I used numbers for children's puzzles and letters for grown up puzzles) and then I mark each piece of that puzzle with that letter or number. So, if I find a puzzle piece marked "M" on the floor, I know just where it belongs! It takes a little time (especially on a 1000 piece puzzle!) but the time is definitely worth the effort later.


  1. Goodness!!! What a fantastic idea! This is what we need to do with all of our puzzles! Thanks for the ingenious tip!
