13 May 2011

Cleaning Schedule

I have gone about many different ways to take care of the housekeeping in our home over the years, and have had various degrees of success with different methods. We seem to change methods based on where our priorities are at the time. Right now we are needing to put a little more focus on having structured time with the little ones, and also since we are doing many of the tasks without modern conveniences we had to allow for more time for things. So here is what I am doing: I have one major task assigned to each day of the week (with the exception of Sunday). These tasks hit on the "big" things that need to get done, and then I try to take care of the smaller tasks as w go about the day. So here is my rotation:

Monday-Wash Day (this is when I wash all of our clothing laundry for the week)
Tuesday- Ironing and Mending
Wednesday- Cleaning (I try to hit all of the major cleaning that needs done, I have to kind of squeeze some of the jobs in as we go through the day)
Thursday- Wash diapers and any household laundry (sheets, towels, dishcloths...)
Friday-Any Special Tasks (I leave this day open for anything that just needs to get done, whether it be sewing or a special project or if something needs an extra cleaning.)
Saturday-Baking (we bake all of the breads, cookies, crackers, etc.. for the week) Haircuts for the boys and my husband (every other week), and Going to the Market (alternating weeks between haircuts)

So far this is working for us. It is hard to have less time for the cleaning- I've always been used to detail cleaning the house each week, but I am finding that as long as we stay on top of things, the house is staying clean.

How are you ladies managing the tasks that need to happen in your homes? Do you follow a schedule or do things on an as needed basis? I always love hearing how others manage their homes :)!

Your Sister in Christ,


  1. Sounds a lot like us! :) Monday is my laundry day, Tuesday is my kitchen day, Wednesday is my errand/business day, Thursday is my project/activity/music lesson day, Friday is my deep clean day, Saturday is my garden day, and Sunday is our Sabbath/rest day! :) I usually also do my towels, diapers, and sheets at some other time during the week too, but don't schedule it really...usually it's on Friday while I'm cleaning! :) --S
