14 November 2008

What do you do with 45 lbs of potatoes, half a bushel of apples and 4 large pumpkins?

...a lot of baking, canning and preparing foods for the freezer! What a joy to have such an abundance! The boys had quite a bit of fun "helping", although all of the apples near Joshua seemed to be mysteriously missing bites...

The best part of all this baking and cooking is the wonderful smells that are filling our house. The boys have decided that they really like potato bread and apple butter (which is a rather good thing since we have so much of it :))

So far we have made apple butter, apple preserves, apple maple jam, potato bread and rolls, latkes, and quite a bit of baby food apples. This was our first attempt at canning, so I am so pleased with the results!

My wonderful husband brought me home a bouquet of pretty pink flowers in appreciation. There is still much to do with all of this food, but it is such a good feeling to know that I am filling the pantry with good things for my family to eat!

In His Abundant Blessings,


  1. Your home looks so cozy and inviting! What a blessing!

    Praise God for the abundance in food! \o/ \o/


    Saturday, November 15, 2008

  2. Dawn,
    Thank you for your kind words regarding our home! I am truly grateful for the home God has provided for us, and hope that will be a place to offer hospitality to anyone who needs it, whether it be through actually having them in our home, or through making someone "feel" at home by visiting us through words and pictures. It always makes me smile to know that someone has "stopped by" for a visit! :)

    Hugs and Blessings,
    Melly Elizabeth

    Monday, November 17, 2008
