12 November 2008

Feeling Overwhelmed

Good Morning Ladies

I had a bit of a rough day yesterday-nothing serious, I was just feeling a little overwhelmed and tired. So I got a later start on really getting things done, but I did end up making 2 loaves of potato bread, 3 pints of Apple Maple Jam, and 3 pints of Apple Preserves, and a big container of Apple Baby Food for Joseph. I also made a batch of latkes which we ate for dinner with some sausage, a loaf of the bread, and preserves. The preserves ended up being a little on the runny side, but they taste good. They Apple Maple Jam turned out really nicely, it is very sweet, but delicious. I still have about 7 lbs of mashed potatoes in the refrigerator to work with today, and still 30lbs left that are still in the bag. I am about three-quarters of the way through the apples though. My family REALLY likes the potato bread, so my husband asked that I use the majority of the mashed potatoes for that. I think that of all the bread I make, this just might be our favorite. It is fairly simple to make, the kneading takes a little muscle power, but the recipe itself is simple. My only hindrance is that we only have two loaf pans, so I cannot make massive batches at a time. But I think if I plan it right, I can have loaves rising that will be ready for the second rise in the loaf pans by the time they are cooled from the loaves before that. Anyway-sorry to ramble on...

I really need to use those pumpkins today. I am thankful that it has been so cold here (we just set them outside the back door), so it is as if they have been refrigerated. But it looks like the sun is peaking out, so I don't want them to warm up too much.

I am curious if anyone else "puts up" food for the winter. We have gotten a late start, but I think we can get it done :).

What are you doing today?

Through God's Abundant Blessings,


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