17 November 2008

The Virtuous Woman- For Unmarried Women

Several woman have asked me how the example of the Proverbs woman applies to them, if they are not married, or no longer married. I thought I would share this as an encouragement.

I realize that some of the terminology here is inapplicable (at least on the surface) since we are talking about singlehood after marriage; however, if you look at the terms in ways that apply to the current situation, I think it will make sense. So in this case we will just define "virgin" as "purity in singlehood".

The Virtuous Virgin
adapted from Proverbs 31:10-31
10- A virgin with virtuous character, who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
11-Her parents have full confidence in her. She is a valuable asset to them.
12- She brings them good, not harm, all the days of her life.
13- She seeks a fulfilling job (position, such as caring for the parents or other members of the family, helping another young mother in the community, doing good works...) and works with eager hands.
14-She is as busy as merchant's ships, always seeking new ways to work more efficiently.
15- She gets up while it is still dark. She helps her mother provide food for her family and assists others with their duties.
16-She uses good judgment in investing her money. She carefully tends to her possessions.
17- She sets about her work vigorously, her arms are strong for her tasks.
18-She finds fulfillment in knowing that her work is well done. Her lamp burn late at night.
19-She is content as a woman, and fulfills God's plan with dignity.
20- Her sensitive spirit sees when others are hurting, she reaches out to them and gives them words of encouragement.
21- When problems arise, she has no fears, because she has an open relationship with her Heavenly Father, and knows He will provide all her needs.
22-She wears comely dresses that are neat and modest. Her beauty radiates from within.
23- Her companions are well respected. They, like her, are of noble character.
24-She makes favorable impressions, and supplies her friends with valuable advice.
25- She is clothed with strength and dignity. She is free of anxiety and worry.
26- She speaks with wisdom and is a wise and loving counselor.
27-She is concerned for the welfare of others, and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28- She is called blessed. That is, one who enjoys happy circumstances and from whom joy radiates to others.
29-Many women do great things, but a noble character surpasses them all.
30- Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
31-In every aspect of life she will be highly esteemed. Her crown of splendor awaits her at the pearly gates.

I pray you will find this adaption of some encouragement. Always remember that if God is calling you to something, then He has a special purpose for you. He does not ask us to do things just for the sake of doing them. He has reason and purpose behind the things that He does. We may not always understand them at the time (or even ever), but there is a purpose. May God bless you in your role as a Virtuous Single Lady!

Through God's Abundant Blessings,


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