17 November 2008

Happenings Around Our Home

What busy, busy days around here! I have been baking a large amount of potato bread to fill our freezer. You would think that the family would grow tired of potato bread, but quite the contrary! Our family has developed a deep love for it, especially topped with apple preserves or apple butter. :) I sent a loaf with a jar of apple butter to work with my husband on friday, so that he could share it with his co-workers.

Yesterday we went to a different church because a friend of ours had asked us to go with her as her visitors for "Bring a Friend" day. It was nice, although I must admit feeling very out of place. Yesterday afternoon the minister from the Mennonite church and his wife stopped by to visit. I was a little nervous, I always get nervous when someone new comes to my house. Is everything tidy enough? Are the children behaving well? Do I have something to offer them to eat or drink? I would like to say that I am always prepared for hospitality, but lately that is just not the case. I felt absolute panic when they called to say they were coming. But we got everything tidied back up rather quickly (it really wasn't that much of a mess) and I made a pitcher of tea ( people here are always enamored with my sweet tea, as it is not common here), and the boys sat mostly still while they were here. It was nice that they had thought to visit us, and it certainly made us feel even more welcomed.

We have decided to order new pre-school curriculum from Rod and Staff. I really like the wholesomeness of their books, and I like that the illustrations are of like minded families . I know that our children will be exposed to others who do not share our beliefs, and will have to learn to be charitable and understanding towards them, but right now they are so little and I would like for certain things to remain sheltered. I would at least like for the curriculum we are using with them to be of the same values that we are teaching them. Anyway, I am excited about the curriculum!

We also decided to go ahead and order some cloth diapers and covers. I have been working on making them, but things have just been so busy so my husband decided that was one thing that he could take off of my to-do list. He also ordered me a new cape dress that we found on E-bay!

It's been busy around here, but I do not see that changing any time soon. I suppose life would be boring if we did not have so much to do!


  1. Hello Melly! Is there somewhere on your blog you've shared your potato bread recipe...if not, will you share it? I'd like to find a nice bread recipe to make once in a while that is not whole wheat! Thanks! Glenda

  2. Interesting. I'll ahve to read more about the curriculum you mention because even in my church, modest dress and our lifestyle is in the minority.
