26 June 2012

Growing...Just a Little Too Quickly

OH! It seems everyone is in such a hurry to get bigger! It seems like we've been a family of "little" children for so long, And now, as if out of no where, they have grown. Yes, still little in comparison, but we are crossing that boundary from having all babies, to having "big" kids. I'm not sure if my heart is quite ready!

Joseph and Joshua have joined Jacob as scholars. Joseph loves learning. I'm so amazed watching his little mind grow! Joshua loves first grade. He just realized that he can read. Oh, the excitement!

Joseph has been really growing in his role as a big brother. He has been "practicing" diapering all of his stuffed animals. He's taking more of an interest in wanting to rock John David, or play with him. The other day he was so excited to get to Mass early, that he not only dressed himself, but also his brother James! I have to say, he did a pretty decent job!

He's also been asking for new jobs to do. I love the joyful look of satisfaction he gets when he knows he's done a good job! 

John David is growing like a weed! Or, should I say, sprouting like a pole bean? He's gotten so long, and lean. I think he's going to be awfully tall! I've never met such a cheerful baby. And, so on the go! He just wants to do, do, do! He's always trying to learn something new, or trying out a new trick. I had him playing in the bumbo seat and had set a basket of toys near by. Before I knew it, he was climbing out of the bumbo and grabbing for the basket! Oh, the look of excitement when he discovered all of the toys! He's been practicing to crawl, too. I think he'll soon be on the move!

My baby boy is not so much of a baby anymore. I discovered not one, but two, grown-up teeth in his mouth this week. And, while making a foot print craft for Daddy, I realized that his foot in only about an inch shorter than mine. Where has the time gone???

There's so many exciting things in watching them grow. But, there's definitely a little piece of my heart that shouts, "Slow down!"

Pax Christi,


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