27 June 2012

A Look Back at June...

Now that we've reached this last week of June, I'm looking back at the busy full month behind us! We had lots of "big" days, and fun times, but the most precious memories are usually the little moments that happen on random Tuesdays...

Such as helping a friend with a sewing project...

Or playing with activity bags while Mama makes supper...

Or bulk shopping with the family...

Making a new friend, a millipede named Squiggles...

Napping with Mama...

Playing with play dough...

Organizing canning jars...

Falling asleep mid play...

Going to Mass..

Enjoying a play date with good friends...

Sharing a delicious berry smoothie...

Or playing Bible Trivia with Daddy.

I've become almost obsessive with wanting to take pictures. But, these little moments really mean so much to me. These little moments shape who we are. When I think of life, these are the things that I think of. When I think of family and home, it's these moments that warm my heart.

 June has been a special month of watching my baby leave behind the newborn era, and begin to transform into this mobile, chattery, playful fellow. He's growing up before my very eyes!

 I made this table runner as an anniversary gift for friend's of ours. Our family attended their celebration of both their 25th anniversary and their daughter's high school graduation. 

Thank you Father, for the many blessings that June brought with it. I know all good things come from you!

Pax Christi,

26 June 2012

Potatoes Au Gratin

 Potatoes Au Gratin

8 potatoes, peeled and sliced
1 onion, sliced
salt and pepper
6 T butter
6 T flour
1 tsp. salt
4 c. milk
3 c. Colby Jack cheese

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Butter a 9x13 casserole dish.

In a saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Stir in flour and salt and whisk constantly for one minute. Stir in the milk. Cook until mixture has thickened. Add in cheese and stir until all of the cheese has melted.

Layer half of the potatoes in the casserole dish. Layer onion slices on top of the potatoes. Top with remaining potatoes. Pour cheese sauce over the top.

Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 1 1/2 hours. About half way through, remove foil and top with cheese.

We served the potatoes with Train Wreck Pork Chops and buttered carrots, and sweet tea, of course. ;)

Love in Christ,

Growing...Just a Little Too Quickly

OH! It seems everyone is in such a hurry to get bigger! It seems like we've been a family of "little" children for so long, And now, as if out of no where, they have grown. Yes, still little in comparison, but we are crossing that boundary from having all babies, to having "big" kids. I'm not sure if my heart is quite ready!

Joseph and Joshua have joined Jacob as scholars. Joseph loves learning. I'm so amazed watching his little mind grow! Joshua loves first grade. He just realized that he can read. Oh, the excitement!

Joseph has been really growing in his role as a big brother. He has been "practicing" diapering all of his stuffed animals. He's taking more of an interest in wanting to rock John David, or play with him. The other day he was so excited to get to Mass early, that he not only dressed himself, but also his brother James! I have to say, he did a pretty decent job!

He's also been asking for new jobs to do. I love the joyful look of satisfaction he gets when he knows he's done a good job! 

John David is growing like a weed! Or, should I say, sprouting like a pole bean? He's gotten so long, and lean. I think he's going to be awfully tall! I've never met such a cheerful baby. And, so on the go! He just wants to do, do, do! He's always trying to learn something new, or trying out a new trick. I had him playing in the bumbo seat and had set a basket of toys near by. Before I knew it, he was climbing out of the bumbo and grabbing for the basket! Oh, the look of excitement when he discovered all of the toys! He's been practicing to crawl, too. I think he'll soon be on the move!

My baby boy is not so much of a baby anymore. I discovered not one, but two, grown-up teeth in his mouth this week. And, while making a foot print craft for Daddy, I realized that his foot in only about an inch shorter than mine. Where has the time gone???

There's so many exciting things in watching them grow. But, there's definitely a little piece of my heart that shouts, "Slow down!"

Pax Christi,

25 June 2012

A Delightful Tea Party

 A homeschooling friend of ours invited us to attend a tea party. The boys were ever so excited! Joshua asked if he may wear a tie. We picked a bouquet of fresh mums from our flower beds and tied them with a cheerful ribbon, and pulled a jar of peach preserves we had canned as hostess gifts.

 The table setting was lovely. The boys really liked the crustless sandwiches. Joshua especially liked the cucumber sandwiches, and Joseph favored the sunbutter and jelly.

 It was just precious to listen to the polite manners from all six children. They each enjoyed having milk and sugar in their tea.

 Everyone enjoyed getting dressed up in their tea party outfits, but most of all we enjoyed the fellowship of good friends!
Our hostess had made pinwheel favors for each guest. These might have been the icing on the cake!

We shall have to do this again soon!


22 June 2012

Homemade Pizza Dough

 After my post on baking for the freezer, I had quite a few requests for my pizza dough recipe. So, after much delay, here it is!

1 c. warm water
1 tsp salt
3 c. flour
1 tbsp yeast

I prepare the dough just as I would for making bread. I use my kitchen aid mixer for the kneading.
Let the dough rise, and then roll it out into shape, then let rise again for about 25 minutes.

Once the dough has risen the second time, I do a prebake at 375 degrees for 7-10 minutes. Once cooled, wrap for the freezer. I used two layers of plastic wrap and a layer of aluminum foil.

When ready to use, simply pull from the freezer, cover with toppings, and bake for 20 minutes.

For this pizza I made a pizza sauce with diced tomatoes, garlic and Italian seasonings. I topped it with colby jack cheese and squash and zucchini that we had in the freezer from last year's garden. It was fantastic!

Homemade pizza is quickly becoming a Friday night tradition in our home. We abstain from eating meat on Fridays, so I've been looking for yummy, and simple, meatless meals.


17 June 2012

Father's Day Bowling

For Father's Day, Daddy thought it would be lots of fun to take the family bowling. We'd never been before, so it was a fun new adventure! We had a wonderful time, and I'm pretty sure the people next to us were rather amused!

 Watching Joseph bowl was the cutest thing ever. His ball would roll so slowly that we'd be just certain it'd never make it. He'd stand and watch it ever so patiently, though. And, the attendant only had to go get his ball once. ;)

Bowling was a fun family activity that we'll definitely have to do again! Happy Father's Day, Daddy!


16 June 2012

Birthday at the Zoo!

 For Daddy's birthday, he really wanted to spend the day at the zoo with his family. We packed a picnic lunch of smoked ham and honey mustard sandwiches, boiled eggs, and chips.

 We had so much fun together, now that so many of the children were really old enough to enjoy the animals. James talked for days and days about how much fun the train ride was! He loved that he got to sit by Daddy.
 All of the boys enjoyed the carousal. John David loved the breeze in his hair.

Looking at Daddy's favorite exhibit...the meerkats!

We signed up for a membership this year, so we look forward to many more fun days at the zoo!


15 June 2012

Making a Father's Day Craft

 Don't worry! I'm not giving away any spoilers. ;) I'll wait to let this post until after Father's Day!

This was a hilarious craft project for us. I cannot stand feet, Jacob definitely has a foot phobia...particularly his own feet. And James is never a fan of anything he'd consider out of the ordinary. Oh, and let's not forget John David. Yes, he thought painting his feet was rather strange!

Nonetheless, we did make footprints with paint. And, we enjoyed it. It was kinda fun to get messy.

 I can only imagine the spectacle we were!

But, we finished! Jacob did not like how his foot turned out. He was pretty convinced that now everyone will think he has squished up toes. And John David's foot mostly looks like a blob. I'm pretty sure though, that in spite of it's shortcomings, Daddy will love his gift.

 Happy Father's Day, Daddy! We love you!
