18 February 2010

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday...isn't it funny how a reminder comes along to be thankful, just when it is needed? I love how God works. I am increasingly convinced that He has quite the sense of humor...

Today I am thankful for stinky diapers. Really. Why? Because without the precious blessings that created them, there would not be the gross, awful, stinky mess.

Without them, there would be no messes to clean up, no diapers to change, and no grubby hands to clean.

I am thankful for my son, who when he saw that I had a plastic bag with gross diapers inside, said, "I would be happy to take that for you." I sure love that boy.

I am thankful for the mountain of laundry to wash, because it means that we are blessed with an abundance of clothes to keep us warm.

I am thankful for a sink full of dishes, because it means that a yummy meal was enjoyed.

I am thankful for a cranky baby who in 30 seconds will be smiling sweetly at me and be thrilled to receive hundreds of kisses.

And I am thankful for the encouragement I receive from my friends who are so patient with me even when I am utterly ridiculous.

"Because a thankful heart, is a happy heart. I'm glad for what I have, that's an easy way to start. For the love that He shares, cuz He listens to our prayers. That's why I say 'thanks' every day!"



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