26 February 2010

Frugal Friday

This weeks Frugal Friday Tip...Save your bacon grease! I use the grease for cooking. It may not be the healthiest choice, but it sure does add a nice flavor!

25 February 2010

Happy Birthday Bear!

Oh my Bear. You can't help but to love Joshua. He has an innocence and sweetness that just can't be matched. He has this amazing little mind, sometimes I am blown away by his brightness. I love his concrete way of looking at things.

I love when he is goofy and shares his silly little giggle with us. I love how he can be so blissfully oblivious.

I love his seriousness. His "little professor" look that he gets when he wants to do his best at something.

I love how he comes up to me throughout the day and says, "Holda me, Mommy" or "Kissame, Mommy. Kissame right here. (as he points to his head)". I love how he would sit cuddled up in my lap for as long as I would sit there. I love that he still wants me to rock him like a baby, and sing softly to him.

I love how he looks up to Jacob, like he is the most amazing thing he has ever seen.

And I love how he is so gentle towards little babies. How he always stops to talk to a baby and uses his little sweet voice.

I love that he has no idea that he's not ACTUALLY a bear...


Happy Birthday Little Joe!

My precious little Joe is now two years old! He is such a special little monkey. I've never seen so much spunk and personality packed into one little firecracker! He is such a determined little guy, so independent and yet, still so happy to be my baby. I love the sparkle in his eye, and the spunky smile, the mischievous sense of humor he has.

Every morning, when I go to wake him up, he greets me with the sweetest smile, the biggest hug, and a kiss. He is always so happy to see me.

I love my little Joe!


Pictures From Around Our Home

Jacob has been really enjoying playdough lately...especially mixing the colors to make beautiful creations!

Jamie discovered the exersaucer this week. He is getting so playful!

Joe loves playing with the food from their new kitchen.

Jacob has discovered that he really enjoys taking pictures. He was just so giddy over taking this one of his favorite muse...Mommy!
Jacob took this picture of Baby Jamie as well. I think he's getting rather good with a camera!


My Beautiful Boys

Pax Christi,

Jacob and His Baby Brother

It is so precious to me to see the bond between brothers. I love seeing how Jamie looks up to his big brother!


Breadmaking with Melly

This Saturday we did a breadmaking class with a mommy group that I am part of. It was so much fun getting to know the other moms!

Pax Christi,

Happy Birthday Mommy!

My wonderful Prince Charmings did a lovely job of making my birthday feel special! As is a tradition for my birthday, we had cheesecake. (with three birthdays in a week we can tend to get a little tired of cake, lol) Prince Jacob loved that I wore a tiara...he said I should wear one every day :).


Let's Play Kitchen with Mommy!


Let Us Eat Cake!

Happy Birthday, dear brothers! Happy Birthday to you!

Bear likes cake!!!!

Joe, on the other hand...he was just not so sure at first, lol.

What a wonderful birthday day!
