13 October 2009

Update on Baby James

I have a moment of quiet so I thought I would send a little update on how we are doing :).

James was born at 35 weeks and 5 days, techinically a preemie by one day- but he certainly does not look or act like it! We had known he would likely be large for his gestational age but he surprised us by weighing in at 8 lbs, 4 oz! He is already eating well, and has been very alert and happy. He looks very much like Joshua- only he has a full head of dark hair! He has so much hair they actually combed it over to the side when they gave him his bath!!!

The first time he fully opened his eyes was when Jacob climbed up to see him for the first time. Jacob leaned over to kiss him and was talking to him, and baby James looked right at him. You could just tell that he immediately recognized his voice!

The boys are all so very excited to have their baby brother here!

We are so very thankful to be blessed with such a healthy little boy. It has been stressful being in the hospital but I am just so thrilled to have him here with us and so healthy and strong. They plan on keeping us here until either late tomorrow or Wednesday morning.

I will try to put up more pictures this evening.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and encouragement!



  1. Congratulations! I've been checking out your blog the past few weeks, and was wondering if perhaps your baby had come after that big "nesting" post! How exciting! Glad to hear that everything went well. Enjoy your family... time goes by so quickly. My youngest is 7 and my oldest is 18 so I think back fondly to the endless preschool days where all I seemed to do was nurse!
    Wishing you all the best,
    Rebecca in Canada :)
