26 October 2009

Back To School!

Today was our first day back doing school after an extended break. The boys were soooo excited!

I was so impressed with the effort that Jacob and Joshua gave! Joshua tried so hard on his worksheets and grasped the concepts rather quickly. He was so pleased with what he did that he begged me to post his work on the refrigerator for Daddy to see.

And Jacob took such care in making his pumpkin craft...he really wanted to do a good job. He was so proud that he did the whole project on his own. When he was finished he told baby Jamie that he made his pumpkin for him, and that is why he did his best. Just too sweet...

I was happy to see as much enthusiasm for the worksheets as they had for the art project and story time. :) I was also happy to see how much information their little minds have retained, even when not "officially" having school. Our unit this week is about Fall, and the boys were able to tell me so much about what happens in the Fall.

Jacob really enjoyed exploring our October Sensory Tub, which is filled with different kinds of beans, and colorful feathers.



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