08 September 2009

A New Hairdo for Joe

I never thought I would have a baby with a Mohawk....BUT, I never thought that Joseph would be called "Joe" before he was one either. He's his own little man and he is in intent on showing everyone that even though he has two older brothers, and will soon have a younger brother- he has a huge personality that is all his own! The baby Mohawk just seems to suit him...

Joe has more spunk than I have ever seen in a person his size...he doesn't let the fact that he's much smaller than his brothers get in his way. I have literally seen him tackle Jacob (yes, I said JACOB- his four year old brother that wears a size 5 in clothes!) down to the floor and then sit on him. He is the only one with the guts to touch Joshua's "nap". And if one of the boys is starting trouble you can be just about guaranteed it's Joe.

But he is a sweetheart. I look forward to getting him up in the morning because I know I will be greeted with a huge hug and the sweetest, most slobbery kisses on the planet. And he looks at me in a way that makes me feel like I must be the most beautiful person in the world to him.



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