01 September 2009

Facebook Interview- Just For Fun :)

Do you like thunderstorms?
only when my husband is home, if I am home alone they scare me, LOL

What would you do if this interview is never ending?
I think I am just gullible enough to sit here answering these ridiculous questons

Do you drink coffee?

What kind of car do you drive?
suburban. there aren't too many choices out there for "large" families.

What are your "comfy clothes"?
I don't really believe in "comfy clothes".

if you were one of the seven dwarfs, who would you be?
ditsy. wait, is that one of them?

Is this boring?
how many questions are there?

What colour are your eyes?

Coke or Pepsi?
neither. chocolate cherry coke from Sonic, but really I should just drink water

What is your natural hair color?
blonde, but not quite as blonde as I am now, LOL

How many people are in your family?
5, soon to be 6

Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt?
neither, Stone Phillips or Tom Brokaw-now THAT"S a hard choice

Desktop or Laptop?

Are you in love?
yes, with 4 very handsome men, and it will soon be 5

Favorite hot drink?

City or the suburbs?

Do you believe a good life is attainable? or is it something that is out of our control ie subject to luck etc.
absolutely attainable

What is your favorite color?

beach or mountain?
mountain. I hate sand and the ocean smells bad, but really I'd rather go shopping

Why are you taking this interview?
I have no idea, LOL

do you plan in advance?
always, preferably on a color coded spreadsheet or in my pink planner

What attracts you most?

How many hobbies do you have?
way, way too many

Do you say "I love you" in the relationship?
we say "I love you" every time we part, or end a phone conversation, or a million other times randomly through the day

If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be?
professional organizer, gotta use what you have, right? oh I would love getting to just organize stuff for a living, especially if I could have a pink label maker

What makes you cry?
I am totally a crier, so it doesn't take much, LOL

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your millions?

Who was your hero as a child?
Martha Stewart and my grandmother

What do you do for fun?
well I am expecting my fourth child in five years, so what do you think? haha, sorry, couldn't resist that one

Are you an outdoor or an indoor person?
indoor, TOTALLY indoor

Do you own any pets, and if so what do you have?
a Yorkie, a cat, and two guinea pigs

When do you plan on getting married?
about 6 and a half years ago, it's generally a good idea to get married before having four children

Romance or Kinky?
wouldn't you like to know, LOL

Water or 100% Juice?

Would you rather be hot or cold?
cold, I so love sweaters

Favorite Place to Eat?
Cracker Barrel

What is your favorite clothing brand?
Lilly Pulitzer

What was your last thought?
I have to pee...AGAIN

Juice and crackers or milk and cookies?
juice and crackers

Favorite fruit?
strawberries-preferably covered in dark chocolate

Are you a cat or a dog person?

Would you rather be blind or deaf?

Define yourself in 3 words...
obsessive compulsive disorder

Do you eat cold cereal at night?

Kill the spider or let it out?
neither, that's what HUSBANDS are for

What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out?
ewwww GROSS, um, plus I'm kinda married

What is your favorite food?
not a fair question! um, maybe Mexican?

Do you read harry potter books?

What is your favorite place?

Have you had a beer in the last week?
um, no, that would kinda be bad for the baby, LOL

Vitamin Water or Gatorade?
vitamin water

Flip flops or sandles?
neither? I'd so rather wear cute heels

What do you do on fridays?
the same thing I do every other day?

Do you like bananas?



  1. I really like the test... and your answers!
    I also took it on my homepage, but I didn't understand all the questions, because I'm german...
    I wonder how you make it with nearly five and a half men to write more than 20 posts a moth! Do you have a job? I want to have a job, when I'm grown up, but I also want to have three children and I often think about how to manage this, because its really important for me, to have a job...
    It's a mystery how you make it - to me!
    Well, greatings and endless respect
    ah, my homepage, if you're intrested in my answers:

  2. Chloe,
    Hi, and thank you for your sweet comment!

    I don't work outside the home, but I do run my own business and homeschool our boys. I do enjoy writing, so it is something that I try to make time for- often it is while I am drinking my morning coffee, or taking a break to eat my lunch. It just depends on the day.

    I think it's entirely possible to manage it all- a home, children, even a career- as long as you are motivated and manage your time well.

    It was nice to "meet" you!
    Melly Elizabeth
