28 March 2008

I burned my hand the other day on the oven and this morning it broke open in one place. I am not sure what to do to help it to heal.

Today is the last day of the quarter for Rick, although he said that it does not feel like it. This quarter has just been so different than usual.

Our family pictures are ready for us to pick up. I can include those with the other pictures that I am sending to friends.

I was worried about Frannie yesterday because I had not seen her (or heard her) all day, only to find out that she had been asleep in the attic all along. What a silly cat!

I would like to get some laundry done this afternoon and perhaps do some sewing. We shall see what little Joey allows me to accomplish. He is such a sweet baby, he just loves to be cuddled. I think there is nothing he enjoys more than sleeping in my arms. How precious.

I cannot believe how much Jacob has grown up in the last six months. He has become such a polite little helper, and such a gentlemen. He is so full of boyish energy, and yet he loves to drink tea from a pretty cup with his mommy. He is such a neat person.

And Joshua is really the most tenderhearted person I know. He cares so much for his brothers and he loves animals so dearly. He loves Frannie and he would play with the "mice" for hours. He is so sweet and tender with baby "Doe-doe", he just adores him.

I had to bandage my hand to protect it since it opened up earlier. It actually really hurts and unfortunately it is my right hand. :(

Pax Christi,


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