21 December 2007

Another Amazing Blessing!

Things just keep getting better! Rick met with our attorney this morning, I just felt too much anxiety and did not want to go. I was just so worried that we would find out that we could not move. But, thanks be to God, that is not what happened. Apparently after we had informed the attorney about the case worker telling us they were closing the case, he called the guardian ad lidem who confirmed that the case was indeed closed. Our attorney then called the judge and told him about the case being closed and our need and desire to relocate to Kansas City. The judge called the case worker to ask her about us and she must have given him a great report because he called our attorney and told him to tell us to move. He said that he just wants us to be sure that if he schedules any hearings we can be here. Our attorney told us that this is now just a civil custody suit and that "Mom" really can't win. So after the move he will either file for a dismissal or for a change of jurisdiction (which is essentially a dismissal since she has no standing to file in Missouri). Either way, we have basically already won. The custody case is not formally closed yet, but it definitely sounds like it will be very soon.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!


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