This week I am actually getting around to writing my "Thankful Thursday" ahead of time- so it might actually get posted on Thursday. What a concept!
This past week has been a challenge. Calling it a challenge somehow makes it sound better than it actually was. It was a hard week. I have been struggling with what, if anything, to say about it. It is one of those times where I am not sure if I can say anything nice, so it may be best to say nothing at all. I think there is a part of me that is still mad about the situation, and I don't want to say things out of anger or frustration.
This week did remind me, however, just how much I have to be thankful for. My life feels like it is just overflowing with blessings this week.I am thankful for my church family. They were so supportive of us this week, and really showed us what it means to have "family". On Tuesday, five of the youth girls came over to help me clean my house and get it back to it's usual state. Their help was amazing. They were all so happy to help, which made their help even more of a blessing. We scrubbed and scoured and steam cleaned and mopped, and by mid afternoon the house was sparkling clean. I enjoyed the fellowship even more than the fact that the house was clean again. I am just so blessed to have these girls in my life!
Last Wednesday eve, the family that we buy our milk from put a bunch of home canned foods and fresh meat in the back of our van. It was such a blessing to have them want to help with what we were doing.I am so thankful for children who are wonderful helpers, and who work with willing hearts. Jacob had gone outside to play and came in to use the bathroom. When he was headed back out I noticed him carrying a wet washcloth to the laundry room. I asked him what he was doing and he told me that he had tracked some mud in, so he wet a rag to clean it up. The next day he had asked me if he could play with playdough. I told him that he could. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed him carrying a rag into the school room. I watched to see what he was doing, and he was wiping the table after he was finished! He then went and got the sweeper and swept under the table. Yesterday the dog had gotten in the bathtub with muddy paws (not to take a bath, but just because he likes to get in the tub and try to make the faucet drip). Jacob saw this and decided to take it upon himself to clean it up. I am so amazed with how he is maturing, and developing a sense of responsibility. What a neat thing to watch!
I am so thankful for children who are not selfish. I am thankful for children who were so willing to give up their own beds and their rooms so that someone else would have a warm place to sleep.
I am so thankful for my child who uses his building blocks to build a pulpit so that he can preach the "Word of the One True God". I am thankful for godly men and women that he can look up to, and learn from. I am thankful that he is excited every week to go to church.
I am thankful for my chubby baby. I am thankful that we always have more than enough food to eat. I am thankful that he doesn't know what it means to be uncomfortable or cold and hungry.
I am thankful for a husband who puts his family first and always works hard to make sure that we are provided for. I am thankful that he leads our family to follow God's Word. I am thankful that he has such a generous heart and that he would do whatever he can to help others.
With a Thankful Heart,
Incredible blessings for which to be thankful for, indeed! I would rather list these kinds of blessings than any amount of money, or material gain. It is such a wonderful thing to be content in the joy of the Lord, and in what Christ would consider gain, rather than the prosperity of the world. May God richly bless your family and your day!