I haven't had much time for writing lately, so I thought I would write a quick "catching up" post. The last few weeks have been full with house guests, stomach bugs, and lots and lots of hard work. On Monday we worked on the chicken house (but that's for another post ;-)). On Tuesday Linda and Amy came over and we painted both boys' bedrooms and their bathroom. It was a lot of work but so much fun!
Here is a little glimpse of the rest of our week:I love watching the boys all playing together. Jamie is getting so much bigger and is really getting more involved with the brothers' play. He just loves to be in the middle of whatever they are doing. :)
Joseph has decided lately that napping is best done on the floor. I'm not sure why one would choose to sleep on the floor rather than their nice comfortable bed, but, to each their own, right?
Rocco chewed through his cast yet again so we had to take him back in to have it redone. We had told the vet that we were having a difficult time keeping a bag on it when he went outside and so they decided to duck tape it! He said the tape would act as a water barrier. So, we now have a red-neck dog. Rocco is a bit stir crazy and I can't really blame him. It has been so gorgeous outside that it must be hard to be trapped indoors!
Oh Rocco. I wonder if he was getting into something that he shouldn't have?
Our family did "battle" with an awful stomach virus. My poor bear was just so sick! It was such a challenge after a difficult week, but everyone was such a trooper. I was so thankful that I did not get sick until after the youth girls came to help me get the house back in order. It was almost as if my body waited to give in to being sick until all the work was done! It was such a blessing to have the help of friends after such a trying time.
It was a busy day but I did try to squeeze in a little much needed sewing. Jamie was insistent that I hold him, so as mothers often do I just made it work! I was actually rather impressed that I was able to sew in an invisible zipper whilst holding him. I worked very slowly and carefully and he watched with great interest! It was nice to combine to of my favorite activities...sewing and snuggling with my littlest one!
Just 'cuz he's cute!
It's been busy, but busy can be good. This week I am just ever so aware of the work that God is doing in our lives. It seems like we are growing in leaps and bounds, and of course, with growing sometimes comes growing pains. God is so wonderful to us! It is amazing to sit back and watch Him work in our lives and provide in ways that we can't imagine for ourselves. I have been so blessed by my church family this week. I have felt encouraged by edifying words, and supported in practical ways by helping hands with jobs that were too big for me to do alone. Today, my dear friend, Sharon, offered to help me with preparing and planting our family's garden. What a huge blessing!
We have lots of fun and exciting things happening around our place in the coming weeks! :)
In His Abundant Grace,
I love the photo of you sewing with Jamie on your lap! I've been doing a bunch of that lately too. My little one has carefully brought me little bits of thread saying, "Pin, pin." No baby, it's not a pin, but thank you for being concerned! He also loves to put one finger on the hand wheel as it goes around.