Jacob is so excited about getting chickens that he is really looking for ways that he can help. We had purchased this cubed shelving unit to use for nesting boxes and he asked if he could try putting it together. At first I figured that I would just let him help, but I thought about it more and realized he could do much of the work himself. I read him the directions and helped him sort out the pieces. I helped him start the screws, but he did all of the rest. I was amazed at his diligence and his ability to actually do the work!He was so excited that he was doing it himself! I was so excited for him. His eyes were so bright with joy in really being able to build something.
As he was building he said, "I can't wait to see eggs in these nesting boxes!" Rick was so pleased with Jacob's efforts that he decided to buy him his own little tool set, and a project kit to build a bird feeder. I know Jacob is going to be thrilled!
Great work, Jacob! Thank you so much for your help!
With Love,
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