29 March 2011

Clinging to the Cross

What do we do when we are faced with challenges and trials?

If you are a Christian and striving to walk each day in obedience, you will face trials indeed. Trials are a necessary part of our Christian walk. They purify, correct, and mold us into being more Christ-like.

Scripture also tells us that the adversary will do anything and everything he can to deter us from following Christ. He will strive to make it too difficult, so that we want to give up. He will tear away our comforts and even friendships, and sometimes family, doing everything he can to put doubt into our hearts.

Trials can be chastening, they can be intended for our good. Or trials can be put in our path to deter us from following God with our whole being. Wherever the trial is coming from, we have control over how we choose to react.

If you are a Christian, you do not have to face these trials all alone. I find it to be such a comfort to remember that Jesus Himself went through such terrible testing and trials. Can you imagine facing unimaginable pain and death and still giving the greatest gift of love and selflessness? His friends abandoned Him, He was beaten and suffered such a cruel death, and He did so because He loved me.

Whatever difficulties we face, we can find comfort at the foot of the cross. I think about the way that Jesus handled Himself when faced with the greatest of trials. I can imagine He must have had fear, He must have felt heartbroken. He cried out to the Father. I find that to be such a comfort! Even with all that He must have felt, He still died willingly for my sins.

At the end of one of favorite cd's, "Home" by the Esh family, there are excerpts from their funeral sermons. In one of the excerpts, the minister recounts a story of a sailor reading Isaiah 53 to his captain. In the story, he inserts his name into the verse. What a powerful message! A few months ago, we were listening to it in the car, and in my head I put my name in as I was listening.

But he was wounded for Melly Elizabeth's transgressions, he was bruised for Melly Elizabeth's iniquities: the chastisement of Melly Elizabeth's peace was upon him; and with his stripes Melly Elizabeth is healed.

Wow. I cannot read or hear that verse without my eyes filling with tears. He went through that suffering for me. Should I not then, be grateful enough to handle whatever trials are sent my way with a faithful attitude? When I struggle, shouldn't I seek encouragement at the very source of my salvation?

When the storm is howling around me, that is where I hope to be found. Clinging to the cross, reliant on the One who loved me enough to give His life for me.

Love in Christ, Who First Loved Me,

28 March 2011

New Swing Set!!!

Daddy surprised the boys by having a new swing set delivered today! They were so excited! We had been talking about purchasing one for some time. This weekend we were out in Jamesport to do some shopping and stopped by J.A.M. and ended up seeing a set that we liked.

How fun! Thank you Daddy!

With Love,

19 March 2011

Jacob's Nesting Boxes

Jacob is so excited about getting chickens that he is really looking for ways that he can help. We had purchased this cubed shelving unit to use for nesting boxes and he asked if he could try putting it together. At first I figured that I would just let him help, but I thought about it more and realized he could do much of the work himself. I read him the directions and helped him sort out the pieces. I helped him start the screws, but he did all of the rest. I was amazed at his diligence and his ability to actually do the work!

He was so excited that he was doing it himself! I was so excited for him. His eyes were so bright with joy in really being able to build something.

As he was building he said, "I can't wait to see eggs in these nesting boxes!" Rick was so pleased with Jacob's efforts that he decided to buy him his own little tool set, and a project kit to build a bird feeder. I know Jacob is going to be thrilled!

Great work, Jacob! Thank you so much for your help!

With Love,

18 March 2011

The Little Boys' Room

Joseph picked out this adorable Noah's Ark wall art set at Mardels.

This is Joseph's bed. We have had quite a giggle over the fact that tiny little Joe has the biggest bed of them all. ;) He keeps his monkey and his Amish rag doll, Sadie, on his bed. He loves to lay and look out at the cornfields. I was cleaning in his room recently and looking out of the window and thought: there is nowhere else on earth I'd rather be. I can't imagine living anywhere more beautiful. Our home isn't fancy, but it's home and I love living here.

The little quilt hanging between the windows was made for me by my great grandmother. Joseph said he loves the "ittle wamb". The rocking chair is such a sweet spot to sit and rock with my littlest ones.

The Precious Moments picture above James' crib hung in my nursery. It's so neat to be able to pass on little things like this to our children.

With Love,

God Gives us Work

God's plan is for work,
For me and for you,
Each one in the family,
Has something to do!

This little poem is in one of our favorite Little Jewel books, "God Gives us Work". It has become a little source of encouragement around our house. It is a wonderful reminder that we each play an important role in making family life pleasant, edifying and fruitful.

"And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing." 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

Having a good attitude about work is something that has always been important to us as parents, and something we have worked to instill in our children. Especially with having sons, it is important that they understand the value of working hard. God willing, these little boys will one day be big men with families of their own to provide for.

We have had great opportunities lately for teaching hard work. We are just beginning our little homestead here, and so there is much to be done! This week we have been working on our chicken house. We had a hog farrowing house that hasn't been used for many years, and it seemed like just the right place to house chickens. There were old pieces of wood, and scraps of metal and who knows what else piled inside. Someone had dumped mounds of dirt inside two of the stalls, and so we had to level back out the floor. Most of the windows needed to be covered in new chicken wire, and there were some cracks that also needed to be covered. We are also planning to put up a fence to make a little yard for the hens. Needless to say there has been (and still is!) quite a bit of work to do!

The chickens are going to be a huge lesson in teaching responsibility to the children. They are going to help with feeding and watering, egg gathering and cleaning the hen house. The boys are excited about the challenge ahead!

On Wednesday afternoon, Jacob and I worked outside pulling overgrown ivy off of the front of our house. We trimmed back bushes, and cleared out a large bed for planting. We worked hard. I was impressed with how hard he was willing to work. Near the end he was beginning to get tired and complaining a bit about when would we be done. At that point I was quite tired myself. It occurred to me that this was the time when real lessons were learned. He knew that I was also tired. Would he see me give in to that, throw down my tools and go inside? Or would he see me push through and finish the task at hand? Would we leave our tools and yard waste laying about, or would we push through and clean it all up despite our aching backs and tired hands? We can talk all that we want about what we should do, but these are the moments where lessons are truly learned and most effectively taught. I told him that I was tired too, but explained the importance of doing a job right. We pushed through, and were both so pleased to sit back and see the work we had done!

It has been so neat lately to see how the early years of child training are beginning to bear fruit. In the beginning, teaching your children to work with you is more about principle than actual help. But now, he is getting bigger and stronger, and his "help" is actual real help! There were quite a few vines that we had pulled together, and I'm not sure I could have done it without his help. He was working with me, side by side, and his help was such a blessing. He carried big vines and bush branches off to the wooded area, he pulled vines and helped rake up leaves. All the while I kept encouraging him about what a help he was. After our work was done, I really enjoyed sitting with him and smiling together about a job well done!

"Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul." Proverbs 29:17

Jacob is especially excited about our garden, and has asked for his own little garden spot. I am excited to see how he will do!

Children really are such a blessing!

In His Precious Name,

17 March 2011

Catching Up

I haven't had much time for writing lately, so I thought I would write a quick "catching up" post. The last few weeks have been full with house guests, stomach bugs, and lots and lots of hard work. On Monday we worked on the chicken house (but that's for another post ;-)). On Tuesday Linda and Amy came over and we painted both boys' bedrooms and their bathroom. It was a lot of work but so much fun!

Here is a little glimpse of the rest of our week:

I love watching the boys all playing together. Jamie is getting so much bigger and is really getting more involved with the brothers' play. He just loves to be in the middle of whatever they are doing. :)

Joseph has decided lately that napping is best done on the floor. I'm not sure why one would choose to sleep on the floor rather than their nice comfortable bed, but, to each their own, right?

Rocco chewed through his cast yet again so we had to take him back in to have it redone. We had told the vet that we were having a difficult time keeping a bag on it when he went outside and so they decided to duck tape it! He said the tape would act as a water barrier. So, we now have a red-neck dog. Rocco is a bit stir crazy and I can't really blame him. It has been so gorgeous outside that it must be hard to be trapped indoors!

Oh Rocco. I wonder if he was getting into something that he shouldn't have?

Our family did "battle" with an awful stomach virus. My poor bear was just so sick! It was such a challenge after a difficult week, but everyone was such a trooper. I was so thankful that I did not get sick until after the youth girls came to help me get the house back in order. It was almost as if my body waited to give in to being sick until all the work was done! It was such a blessing to have the help of friends after such a trying time.

It was a busy day but I did try to squeeze in a little much needed sewing. Jamie was insistent that I hold him, so as mothers often do I just made it work! I was actually rather impressed that I was able to sew in an invisible zipper whilst holding him. I worked very slowly and carefully and he watched with great interest! It was nice to combine to of my favorite activities...sewing and snuggling with my littlest one!

Just 'cuz he's cute!

It's been busy, but busy can be good. This week I am just ever so aware of the work that God is doing in our lives. It seems like we are growing in leaps and bounds, and of course, with growing sometimes comes growing pains. God is so wonderful to us! It is amazing to sit back and watch Him work in our lives and provide in ways that we can't imagine for ourselves. I have been so blessed by my church family this week. I have felt encouraged by edifying words, and supported in practical ways by helping hands with jobs that were too big for me to do alone. Today, my dear friend, Sharon, offered to help me with preparing and planting our family's garden. What a huge blessing!

We have lots of fun and exciting things happening around our place in the coming weeks! :)

In His Abundant Grace,

09 March 2011

Thankful Thursday

This week I am actually getting around to writing my "Thankful Thursday" ahead of time- so it might actually get posted on Thursday. What a concept!

This past week has been a challenge. Calling it a challenge somehow makes it sound better than it actually was. It was a hard week. I have been struggling with what, if anything, to say about it. It is one of those times where I am not sure if I can say anything nice, so it may be best to say nothing at all. I think there is a part of me that is still mad about the situation, and I don't want to say things out of anger or frustration.

This week did remind me, however, just how much I have to be thankful for. My life feels like it is just overflowing with blessings this week.

I am thankful for my church family. They were so supportive of us this week, and really showed us what it means to have "family". On Tuesday, five of the youth girls came over to help me clean my house and get it back to it's usual state. Their help was amazing. They were all so happy to help, which made their help even more of a blessing. We scrubbed and scoured and steam cleaned and mopped, and by mid afternoon the house was sparkling clean. I enjoyed the fellowship even more than the fact that the house was clean again. I am just so blessed to have these girls in my life!

Last Wednesday eve, the family that we buy our milk from put a bunch of home canned foods and fresh meat in the back of our van. It was such a blessing to have them want to help with what we were doing.

I am so thankful for children who are wonderful helpers, and who work with willing hearts. Jacob had gone outside to play and came in to use the bathroom. When he was headed back out I noticed him carrying a wet washcloth to the laundry room. I asked him what he was doing and he told me that he had tracked some mud in, so he wet a rag to clean it up. The next day he had asked me if he could play with playdough. I told him that he could. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed him carrying a rag into the school room. I watched to see what he was doing, and he was wiping the table after he was finished! He then went and got the sweeper and swept under the table. Yesterday the dog had gotten in the bathtub with muddy paws (not to take a bath, but just because he likes to get in the tub and try to make the faucet drip). Jacob saw this and decided to take it upon himself to clean it up. I am so amazed with how he is maturing, and developing a sense of responsibility. What a neat thing to watch!

I am so thankful for children who are not selfish. I am thankful for children who were so willing to give up their own beds and their rooms so that someone else would have a warm place to sleep. I am so amazed and humbled by the heart of my children. After spending the last week helping someone in need, Jacob came to me today and said "All I want is a bed. I don't care if it's a tall bed, a small bed or a sleeping bag on the floor. I am thankful for a good place to sleep and my mommy and daddy."

I am so thankful for my child who uses his building blocks to build a pulpit so that he can preach the "Word of the One True God". I am thankful for godly men and women that he can look up to, and learn from. I am thankful that he is excited every week to go to church.

I am thankful for my chubby baby. I am thankful that we always have more than enough food to eat. I am thankful that he doesn't know what it means to be uncomfortable or cold and hungry.

I am thankful for a husband who puts his family first and always works hard to make sure that we are provided for. I am thankful that he leads our family to follow God's Word. I am thankful that he has such a generous heart and that he would do whatever he can to help others.

With a Thankful Heart,