08 May 2012

A Little Family Update


 Well, I hadn't intended to go so long without writing, but it's been a busy time of moving and settling in to our new home. We've been here about a month now, and there's still some small things left to do...but we are mostly finished unpacking. It's been a huge change from our old farmhouse in the country, but we just love it here. It's amazing to see how God works. Sometimes we can see where He's taking us, and still be shocked at the path He chooses to take us there! 

The boys are loving their new home as well. I'm amazed at how much they each seem to be growing right before my eyes! 

Jacob has started second grade. He was just so excited to begin a new adventure! He's also been really working hard as my kitchen helper. He has such a desire to learn to bake and cook. I enjoy having working with him. His favorite task is making bread. Jacob has been learning how to read a recipe, and follow the instructions on his own. It's just amazing to me to see him doing such things! 

Joshua is a first grader now! He'd been full of eager anticipation to begin. It's so neat to see his little mind soaking up information. He's hit the phase of asking a million (it might not actually be a million, but it sure seems that way some days!) questions, and wanting to understand every thing. Just the other morning he asked Daddy, "Would it take all day to brush a shark's teeth?" He wasn't asking in a silly way, but rather had just been pondering. I think his mind is just always going. 

Little Joseph is becoming not-so-little anymore. His face is beginning to lose the preschooler chubbiness, and he's sprouting up like a weed! He's excited to begin violin lessons with his brothers. Joseph is quite proud of his newly perfected bed making skills. I love the way his face lights up when he feels good about a job well done!

James has been such a mama's boy lately. Well, I suppose he's always been a mama's boy, but lately he wants to cuddle, hug, and climb into my lap at every opportunity. He is always right by my side, like a chubby adorable shadow. It's just precious when he looks at me and says, "Kiss me, Mommy!" Or, when we sit down to eat he says, "We bless the Lord now!" He's also found the joy of singing. His favorite song is Jesus Loves Me. It's just precious how he always wants to add "Amen" to the end of the songs! 

Baby John David also seems to be in a hurry to get big! He's such an active little one, always rolling around and playing rambunctiously with toys. I put him in the walker yesterday and he immediately began scooting all around the school room. He just wants to do and see and be right in the middle of everything! I have never seen a baby who smiles so much, or so easily. 

This month we attended our first homeschool conference.  I was amazed to see so many homeschooling families all in one place! The curriculum fair was awesome. We were able to purchase first and second grade books and character training materials and leave feeling inspired!

Well, I'm sure there's so much more to update, and I'll be adding pictures and such as time allows. Now that we have regular internet again, I look forward to being able to blog more frequently. :)

Love and Blessings,


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