15 February 2011

Kindness is Contagious!

Children can teach us so many lessons, if we are willing to learn from them!

This morning's lesson: Kindness is contagious!

I was watching the boys play the other day, and one brother took a toy from the other. The wronged brother stopped, hugged the offender and said, "I forgive you", which then caused the one who had stolen the toy to return it to his brother.

Today, after our noon meal, Jacob started wiping the chairs. Joseph saw him and said, "You are doing my job!" Jacob told him, "I saw that you were busy and thought I'd help." Joseph responded with, "That is so nice to me!"

Then, just a few minutes after this, I sat down to rock Jamie. I couldn't find his blanket so Joshua says, "He may use mine! I want to be nice like Jacob!"

Kindness begets kindness. When we see another person being kind, then it inspires us to do the same.

The little acts of kindness from the children seemed to cause an overall attitude of kindness throughout the house. What an excellent reminder that our own actions can affect the actions of those we come in contact with!

Those who know me well, know that I can tend to be a little shy. Sometimes, my shyness can actually make me appear unfriendly. I get nervous, I forget to smile at people. This past weekend I went on a trip to North Carolina to visit one of my most dear friends. I was so nervous about flying all by myself! When I get into situations such as that, I tend to be very serious, interact as little as possible with others, and just focused on what I need to do. But, I think I was so joyful about seeing my friend that I was just beaming with smiles. I ended up sitting next to a music minister on the first flight and he asked me if I had ever flown before. I told him I had, but this was my first trip by myself. He said, "Well, just keep smiling like that and you'll find that people will be more than happy to help such a friendly face!" He was right! Everywhere I went people were friendly and helpful! Kindness really is contagious!

"And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32

With Love in Christ,


  1. How true! Loved this post.

  2. I was so blessed by my children, that I felt the need to share! :)

  3. I am so glad you made it on your own because it was amzing to visit with you

  4. Very Awesome indeed!!!

  5. reposted, thanks... I am pretty slow about stuff like this ;)
