09 February 2011

Count it all Joy- Part One

This week has been hard...no, it's been really hard. It seems like every area of my life that could become a trial has become a trial. There's almost nothing that feels entirely comfortable. I think the only area of life where I feel completely secure, completely comfortable, is my relationship with my Father.

This isn't entirely unexpected. Whenever you set out to follow the narrow path, the adversary will throw every rock, thorny bush and pot hole in the way that he can think of. The more you dig in your heels, the more he challenges you.

"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience."James 1:2-3

It hasn't much felt like "joy" lately. To be honest, joy seems to be the very thing missing. Maybe that is why I am finding it to be such a struggle.

I know I am on the right path, I know I am right where God has called me to be, and I KNOW that means there will be trials. So then why is it so hard to focus on the joy?

Count it all joy... How do we find joy in the midst of times where everything seems to be going wrong? I know I have said this before, but it really seems to me that it all has to do with our perspective and where our focus lies. We are by nature selfish creatures, and by our very selfish nature we focus on our own struggles. We think about how we feel, and what we want. Our feelings are hurt when others disagree with us, or don't approve of what we think, or don't applaud us when we do well. Our sinful nature tells us to look at what we don't have, to be sad for whatever we are missing. We see another's family, or marriage, or home or possessions or status and bemoan what we have. We spend so much time with our focus on outward things that we are missing the joy right under our noses.

The other morning I was in a rather unpleasant mood. The children were chattering and I am sad to say that I was intentionally not listening even though I know some of it was aimed at me. Finally I noticed Jacob tugging on my sleeve. "Mommy, mommy." I turned to listen to him. "Did you know that while I was upstairs I was thanking God for you and Daddy?" Ouch. It was like a dagger right to my heart. Here I am feeling sorry for myself because I am tired and grumpy and my son, whom I was a little irritated at, was thanking God for me.

I am most guilty at becoming battle weary and losing sight of the joy. It may actually be my biggest shortcoming. I can fight through the battle and persevere with an unfaltering zeal. But, I do it without the joy.

We have a saying we use in our home when teaching obedience: Right away, All the way, and in a Joyful way. Without all three, it is not obedience. Without the joy, would good does my perseverance bring?

Joy is the evidence of a heart that is right with God. When I don't have joy, I know it's because my heart is not in the right place. Sometimes we obey and stay on the narrow path with our heads, and our hearts are wandering off elsewhere. When our heart is right with God, it is nearly impossible to not have joy. You cannot rest at the feet of Jesus, without feeling joy and peace.

Count it all joy!

Sitting at the Feet of Jesus,


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