14 September 2010

Psalm 119:133

"Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me." Psalm 119:133

A friend of mine shared this verse earlier today, and it really touched my heart. This verse has been on my mind for several months as we were seeking and trying to discern God's direction in our lives.

For the last year our family has been floating. After we had left the Mennonites we didn't know where to go. For the first time in a long time we felt as if we were wandering with no direction. I don't believe that God stopped giving us direction...I know that He would never leave His children without guidance. We had simply stopped listening.

God patiently waited for His little children to come back to Him. It amazes me how much patience He has for me!

I look to the verse, and this is my plea. "Order my steps in thy word! Lord, you know I am not strong enough or wise enough on my own. Let my daily steps be guided by Your word. Let Your ways direct where I go and what I do. Let Your words guide my every thought. Do not let evilness rule my life! Do not let me stray from Your protection and Your guidance."

Our family did decide to begin attending the Mennonite church again. I want to be clear that it's not because we feel like they are the only "right" church, or that their way is the only way. We do however feel that this is where God is leading us, and that it is the right place for us to be at this time. I believe that, as Christians, we can honor God and follow God obediently at any church, in any place, because obedience is about what is in our hearts. We do feel like this congregation, and this particular way of honoring God is what is right and what is best for our family.

My heart has been heavy for months as we muddled through discerning God's direction for our family. The stress was really wearing on me. Once we went back and spent time in fellowship and worship there, His direction was suddenly clear again. I feel such peace in being obedient.

"Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me." Psalm 119:133

In His Abounding Grace,


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