14 September 2010

A New Pink Quilt!

I began piecing this quilt for a wonderful friend. I love that it is made completely from scrap material. Aside from being rather frugal (you can't beat free!), each fabric has it's own story, it's own unique history and that makes the quilt all the more special. I love making things for people. I love taking the time to pray for them as I work with my hands. It's a special time to me, and it reminds me all the more of the love that I have for whoever I am making the item for.

It has been a while since I have done any quilting, so I can already spot a few imperfections in this one. But, I'd rather have an imperfect quilt made with love, than a perfect quilt made by a stranger's machine. :)

I will share more pictures as the quilt progresses.

With Love,


  1. I love this, I love the colors and in case I have not told you I am loving the colors of this blog
