30 May 2010

Summer Fun in the Pool!

I think that Joshua will be swimming before we know it! He just loves being in the pool. He thought this boat was just the coolest!

Jacob is loving the pool as well. It's just too much fun! Joe loves "floating!"

We enjoyed a nice picnic lunch on the patio. Daddy worked on the landscaping while the boys and I played and enjoyed dancing to music together. What fun times!

I think we will be spending all summer in the pool!


29 May 2010

First Swim of the Summer!

The floats are ready, the sun is shining, and the pool looks refreshingly beautiful. I suppose that means that it is time to swim!

Little Jamie wasn't entirely sure about the cold water, but he soon realized that it was rather nice!

Joe was quite the little fish- er- water monkey! He LOVED floating around in his little boat, and got rather good at kicking his feet to get around the pool.

I have never been much of an "outside" girl, but I think I am going to really enjoy having the pool. I had no idea that floating around on a raft could be THAT relaxing.

The big boys did a great job kicking around in their "fish rings'. Joshua seemed to be a natural at swimming! Jacob took a little practice, but had a blast. They had so much fun playing in the water together.

Joe had a blast playing with Daddy. He loved throwing his "rockets" into the water for Daddy to dive and get. What a fun game!


Getting Ready to Swim!

The wait is over and summer is finally here. The boys were sooooo excited to go swimming! They were giddy over watching Daddy blow up the pool toys and floats, and couldn't wait to get into their swim trunks.

They eagerly watched as Daddy skimmed the pool. "Is it time? Is it time yet?"

 The brothers were so excited that it would be Jamie's first time in the pool!

Let's go swimming!


28 May 2010

You Can Have Your Cake AND Eat It Too!

 I haven't written much lately aside from tidbits of our days. I suppose that I was taking a bit of a break, taking some time to sort through my own thoughts and feelings. Now, I feel ready to do some real writing. I have accepted the fact that sometimes people just aren't going to like what I have to say, and sometimes...they will.

I was talking to a friend the other day, and she told me that she read my blog before actually  meeting me in person. The thing that stood out to her was a sense of confidence. Confidence in the way I live my life, confidence in how we are raising our children, confidence in who I am.  I realize that she was right...I did have a sense of confidence. Unfortunately though, I also have a very sensitive nature about me. A few snide comments here, a few jabs at me there, and suddenly, that confidence started to wane.

For some reason I started listening to those people who were telling me that I couldn't be a conservative Christian homeschooling mom of four AND love funky shoes. I can't strive to teach my children strong values AND enjoy listening to my "booty" music. For some reason, there were people trying to make me feel guilty for spending time on things like dyeing my hair, going to a tanning bed, shopping, and playing with outfits. Why does being a mother mean that I shouldn't enjoy these things?

I have always been the type of girl who was willing to be "different". When I was growing up, I didn't care what clique people belonged to, I had friends all over the social map. Somehow though, as I grew older, my need to feel like I was following a set of unwritten rules took control. I started to really feel like I was doing something wrong for wanting to feel pretty, for enjoying the company of friends who are very different than me, for enjoying my life.

I think that a person can go too far...on either side. If you spend ALL of your time caring about how you look, then of course, there's no time left for taking care of others. But, if you spend NO time taking care of yourself, you will eventually run out of yourself to give. People have different ways of "recharging", and for me, I like to feel pretty.

I enjoy clothes and shoes and shopping and makeup and feeling pretty. I love looking through fashion magazines and putting together outfits on sites like Polyvore. I love talking about all of that. I enjoy working out and fixing my hair and I love hanging out with girlfriends. I love having a ridiculous amount of clothing and shoes and jewelry- and I am not going to feel guilty about that. My first priority is my family, and we don't go into debt with buying these things, and frankly, it makes me happy.

I may be a mommy-fashionista, but I still put the majority of my focus on raising my family. I homeschool my children using a conservative Christian curriculum, and I do it in four inch heels. I teach my children to memorize Scripture verses and I do it with a 5 carat diamond on my finger. My boys do their chores and learn to be helpful and kind to one another, and they do it with their hair gelled. I hug and kiss on my babies and I do it with my dyed blonde hair. I sing to my children and read them stories and play with them on the playground, and I do it while carrying a designer handbag.   That's me, and you don't have to like it if you don't want to.

I'm tired of being judged about this. I find it particularly frustrating because I don't judge others for feeling differently. Some of the dearest people I know are extremely conservative in the way that they dress and live their lives, and I love talking with them, reading their writings, and feel so encouraged by the shared values that we have. I have friends who don't homeschool, who don't share the same beliefs that I do, and yet I find myself so encouraged by them. I don't feel the need to judge them for being different than me. I LOVE that we have differences. My life would be so boring if I spent all of my time in a room full of "Mellys". (wow, that actually kinda sounds scary...)

Maybe it's from getting older, maybe it's just learning from life experience, but either way I have discovered that I can actually have my cake and eat it too. I can be a conservative Christian homeschooling mom of four, who dresses like a fashionista, has a social life, sells pink makeup, goes to the gym, takes care of her home, adores her husband, feels passionately about raising her family and loving every minute of this life.

 With Love,

14 May 2010

Joe and His Baby

I love watching little Joe take care of his baby. He is just the sweetest! The cutest part to me though, is when he took a wipe to clean baby's head, lol.


13 May 2010

Paparazzi Joe and Other Such Things

The difference between yesterday and today is like night and day. Suddenly my children are back to their usual charming selves. Perhaps there was just something in the air?

Earlier Joe grabbed the bottle and went over and started feeding Jamie in his swing, lol. Jamie didn't seem to mind, I think he thought that it was rather funny.

These two have become awfully "chummy" lately. I wonder if sharing a room has brought them closer together? Or maybe it is that Jamie is getting older and more interactive? Either way, I am loving it. Joe has always felt a little left out with the older two. (it's kinda hard when your two older bros are best friends!) Joe loves playing with Jamie, and Jamie adores Joe. I love to hear them giggling together!

One of the greatest things about homeschooling is that you can do it anywhere, and anytime. I love curling up with a pile of boys and a pile of books. :) Joshua is really enjoying this book about polar bears. There is a picture on the back of the book of a man hugging a baby polar bear. Joshua said "Look, the baby bear has a friend!"

Who needs paparazzi when you have a 2 yr old??? Joe has been following me around with a toy camera, "taking pictures" of me making coffee, changing diapers, starting a load of laundry, going to the potty, talking on the phone... There's something about being 2 that makes it endearing when you follow mommy around EVERYWHERE. I can't help but to want to hug this baby!

Hugs and Kisses,

12 May 2010

It's Been a Day!

Today has been a bit of a day... The boys have been in an attitude "funk" lately, and it has been exhausting! But today I was ready to get them back on track. We have gotten away from following a schedule (which has always worked so well for us) and I think that is causing a problem for them.

Jamie is LOVING solid foods. His new favorite is strawberry, apples and bananas! I am amazed by how much he eats. I joke about not needing a bib because he doesn't want to miss any little bit of food, lol.

Jamie loves playing with his favorite playmate. I just can't believe how big he is getting!

We were supposed to go have pictures taken by a friend today, but decided to reschedule for tomorrow

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... a Spring thunderstorm!

I am thinking... wouldn't you like to know? ;)

From the learning rooms... cutting and gluing, practicing writing 2's and 3's.

I am thankful for... the amazing life that I am blessed with! God is so good to me!

From the kitchen... steaks! YUM!

I am hoping... that Prince Charming will bring me a coke on his way home.

I am creating... new relationships.

I am praying... for wisdom and guidance.

Around the house... laundry, laundry and laundry. Did I mention laundry?

One of my favorite things... Listening to this baby babble at me.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you..


11 May 2010

School and Bookstores and What-not

This morning we met a friend over at Barnes and Nobles so the children could play with the Thomas the Tank Engine train set. The boys had a great time, and I certainly enjoyed my skinny mocha and browsing through their selection of planners. It was a lovely morning, until some little Bear threw a tantrum about leaving. It was lovely...I had to carry him out like a football while attempting to push a stroller and walk with the other two boys. :)

So then I go and get the boys into the car, and end up locking myself in the back of the Expedition for the SECOND time. (yes, you read that right...I have done this TWICE). Talk about fun, lol. I had to climb (ever so UN-gracefully) into the front. At least I can laugh at myself...

The day did improve though. We came home and worked on the day's school work. Jacob had such a great time practicing his gluing and cutting skills

05 May 2010

Wordless Wednesday