31 January 2009

A Day of Errands

Today is Saturday, and we had a bit of running around to do. We had headed out to the Eicher's farm to pick up our milk and eggs when we realized that we did not have any cash, so we headed back towards town. On the way as we were passing one of the other family's home we saw that one of their cows was out. We stopped in to let them know, but they were not home. So we went to the Garber's to tell them. One of the young men came to help my husband get the cow back in the fence. After all of that we went back to the Eicher's to pick up our milk and eggs. Then we went to the bakery to do a little grocery shopping. Next we went into town and visited this bargain store that everyone had been telling us to go see. We found a nice black sweater (that is a cashmere blend) for $5! We also purchased a child sized mop, which Jacob is very excited about. We finished off our errands with a trip to Walmart. The boys were rather pleasant through such a busy day!

I finished writing a chore chart for Jacob and Joshua. I think Jacob will really like having set chores...he does like to work! :)

We are going to study our Sunday School lesson now, for tomorrow.



  1. Sounds like a very long day. Whenever we go to Wal Mart, I am near beat by the time we get to the groceries. WalMart is usually our last stop after other runnings.

    I have one child who loves to work. Now if the others were just as excited. My 4 year old is great about it, because he will see something that needs doing and just does it. Even things that I do not catch on right away.

  2. Sounds like a busy day! It's funny, our youngest likes to work, too. He is always saying, "I wanna HEP Mama...hep mama." My mother got him a broom and dustpan for his birthday, and he likes to sweep. When I bring the groceries in, he pulls the bags into the kitchen for me (he's 2). So sweet.
