30 January 2009

An Extended Absence and Many Blessings

Well, my absence has been a little more extended than I had intended, but sometimes life has other plans than what we want,lol. Either way, I am here now :).

I have been busy, blessedly busy in so many ways. Yesterday I spent the greater part of the day sewing, making new dresses and a covering; something I have been needing to do for quite some time. And my husband also ordered me a few new dresses, so now I will be in good shape! My sewing to-do list had been incredibly long, but suddenly it has become considerably shorter. First, the Bishop's wife called to let me know that she had a bag of little boys' shirts and pants for me. Then several days later another lady called to tell me that she had a bag of baby clothes set aside for me. Then yesterday my husband orders me five new dresses! Isn't it amazing how God provides? It is so wonderful because there are so many things I had been really wanting to sew, but the necessary things had to take precedence. Well, now I will have time for a few of the special projects I have been wanting to work on. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

I have also had the wonderful blessing of having one of the girls from church come over once a week to help with cleaning and ironing. The extra help has been so lovely! I am feeling like I have time to work on some of the things that were constantly being pushed aside due to lack of time. Today I was finally able to cut out a few more napkins- something I have been needing to do for quite some time!

I have been going through some difficult times lately, but these blessings, however seemingly small, help me to remember how God is watching over me, and providing when there is a need (even in the littlest of things). If I can trust Him in these small things, can't I trust Him with the big things as well? I have been guilty lately of taking my focus off of the One who is in control and putting my eyes on my circumstances. I am reminded of a quote by J.I. Packer, "Contentment is essentially a matter of accepting from God's hand what He sends, because we know that He is good, and therefore it is good."

Yes, a quiet heart is content with what God gives. I need to write that somewhere that I will see it often.


  1. How does it work for you having someone come to clean?? That was actually something I wanted to bring up in the group. In the plain churches, the young ladies will work in others' homes. How do you handle it? I get so stressed because I cannot just tell them where the supplies are and let them go at it. They seem to have to ask all kinds of questions about how to do things. It was funny once when ladies came over to clean prior to us having meeting here. One girl actually asked me if she had to clean the toilet. I am not ungrateful, but I feel so on edge when they are here.

    Would you have any suggestions as to what I should expect?


  2. Kim,

    I must admit, I was terribly stressed about having someone come in to clean! I can be very, um, territorial when it comes to my house,lol, and I like things done a certain way.

    The first time she came out I just told her that I had never had anyone come in and clean for me before, and that I am not very good at "delegating". But she was actually such a joy and a blessing to have in the home, that I soon felt very much at ease! I had a hard time getting myself to actually tell her what I wanted done, but I think now that has gotten better.

    Once I got over my fear of asking her to do things, I think that it has been a wonderful experience.

    As far as suggestions...I would expect that you will have to give direction for what you want done, or you both might just end up standing there staring at each other,lol. I told her to make herself at home, and to let me know if she needs anything.

    It has been such a help to have her come, and she is planning on coming once a week. :)

    Melly Elizabeth
