04 December 2008

Heavy Burdens

Dear sisters, I write today with a heavy heart. It has been hard for me to admit that I am struggling, I have never felt comfortable with exposing weakness. But yet here I am, feeling weaker than ever before, and coming to the understanding that I am in need of prayer from my dear sisters in Christ.

I have been struggling to carry some heavy burdens that honestly I know I cannot carry on my own. But I have had difficulty in letting go of it enough and just letting God take over. I do not know why I have fought so hard to carry it myself, it seems rather foolish when I think about it! But foolish or not, the stress has taken it's tole. Yesterday seems to have been the breaking point for me, and now I have come to the understanding that I am simply not strong enough on my own, and it is truly time to turn the situation over to Him.

Yesterday morning we had a court hearing stemming from the fatal car accident we had in August. We of course expected it to be difficult and stressful, but I do think we underestimated the situation. In the midst of all of the crisis though, it was amazing to see God work! We had felt so much fear, sitting there, unsure of what would happen, but God sent just the right people, at just the right times, and it looks now as if He is going to carry the situation through for us.

But the stress of everything has just been too much on my body...after a trip to the emergency room yesterday we discovered that we had lost the baby I was carrying. I do not think that the reality of it has really sunk in yet, I am feeling rather numb. But I know that things will settle down, and I will have to grieve for this loss. Right now I am just too tired.

Please keep me in your prayers, and my family as well. I feel there is still much to overcome in all of this, and I pray that God will grant us perseverance, and the fortitude we need to live out our convictions each day.

In His Abounding Grace,


  1. I will lift you up in prayer. You have been so kind to write to me this week when I needed your insight. There you were in the midst of a trial, both legally and emotionally. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious baby. Though I know nothing from your past, I do know God's Hand is on you and He will see you through this. We cannot bear these burdens, nor were we ever meant to. The Lord Jesus fill your heart and mind with peace. In Jesus' name, amen

    Thursday, December 04, 2008

  2. Praying for you.
    I just had my third miscarriage two weeks ago, so I am right with you.
    ps we are not putting this info on our blog, since we have not told our families.

    Thursday, December 04, 2008

  3. Paula,
    Thank you for your prayers. I am so sorry to hear of your loss as well, and will keep you and your husband in our prayers!

    Melly Elizabeth

    Friday, December 05, 2008

  4. Donna,
    Thank you for your prayers and kind words!
    Melly Elizabeth

    Friday, December 05, 2008

  5. Dear Melly Elizabeth,

    May Our Dear Heavenly Father hold and keep you and your family through all of these times. I will continue to pray for you.


    Monday, December 08, 2008

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about the baby. May God grant you peace and wrap His arms around you.

    Tuesday, December 09, 2008

  7. Sister Melly I will keep you in my prayers.
    God Bless,

    Tuesday, December 09, 2008

  8. God bless you! I was glad for your comment that led me to your blog. You are in my heart and thoughts today about the dear baby. May you find the courage and grace you need day by day. I read a number of your posts about covering, plain dressing, and other steps you have taken. God be with you in the journey of obedience! I rejoice to see others following Him in obedience, the only way to truly know Him and be His child.

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008

  9. I know I am not the only one still praying for you and your family. I pray the Joy of Jesus will fill your heart with peace.

    Friday, December 12, 2008

  10. Still lifting you up! It is so good to read from you again, as you are able. Right now, the music is playing "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" - prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love...those last words always break my heart, yet He always calls us back. God Bless! Donna

    Wednesday, December 17, 2008
