10 October 2011

The Big Boys' Room

We had a bit of a challenge when planning out the decor for our big boys' bedrooms. So much of what's available for boys is character themed. Since that's not something that's a part of our lives, we didn't really want it in our home. When we first moved to Missouri, we found this bedding set. We really liked the colors, and since we have a Bear who lives in the room, it seemed rather fitting!

Jacob's bed.

Joshua's bed.

I started this cross-stitch project during our first year of marriage, and it took nearly three years, off and on, to finish it! It's the most detailed one I've ever done. It doesn't look nearly so complicated, but there was so much subtle detail work in it. It was quite satisfying once it was finished. When we decided on a bear/camping/lodge type them for the big boys' room, it just seemed to belong on their wall.

A nice little reading corner! Joshua picked out these rock posters from Mardel for his fourth birthday. You have to love a little boy who loves the rock cycle! He's been asking for a rock tumbler...I may just have to start looking for one!

I'm also quite thankful that this old house actually has closets in the upstairs bedrooms. Actually, even better than just having closets, it actually has big walk-in closets! It almost makes up for not having a closet in our bedroom. ;)



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