08 October 2010

Canning Apple Butter and Baking Pies!

This eve I have been busy baking pies for our homeschool co-op picnic tomorrow. I made an apple pie, and a shoofly pie. I love making yummy goodies for friends and loved ones! I am looking forward to wonderful fellowship tomorrow. Our co-op friends have been such a blessing. Jacob has made his first non-brother best friend. He went home with his friend for a play date after co-op today...it was his first "away from family" playdate! He had a great time! He jumped on a trampoline, rode bikes, played trains, and even helped wash a car! I loved hearing his cheerful chattering about his day when he came home.

Yesterday a friend came over and spent the day with us so that I could show her how to can apple butter. I always enjoy cooking with friends!

My friend Hannah said she is going to give me a gallon of hot peppers, so I am looking forward to canning those!



  1. Oh I would have enjoyed being there with you to help.

  2. And I would have enjoyed having you! I love baking with friends. :)

  3. this looks amazing, so glad you got to help someone. just a little jealous it was not me

  4. You know I would LOVE to come can apple butter with you!
