22 May 2009

It Should Be an Interesting Day

Julia is coming today. Usually she helps with the housework. I am not sure what I am going to have her do today since I cleaned the entire house on Wednesday and with the packing and such everything is just different right now. But I do enjoy having her company around the house and that is something I will really miss once we move.

Adam is coming by later this morning to borrow our tiller. I need to pack but I will have to move all of the boxes in the school room in order to get down stairs to bring up boxes. Sigh. Oh, maybe I should get Julia to help with that. I don't know why I hadn't thought of that until just now.

I made a Baby Ticker for my blog. People are always asking me how far along we are now and I am the worst at keeping track of that, lol. So, now I can be reminded just by looking at my blog :).

Jacob will be thrilled to see Julia today. He has quite the crush on her. It is rather adorable because she is very fond of him also. I love hearing them banter back and forth. Julia seems to be one of very few who is witty enough to keep up with him.

I noticed yesterday that Joshua is suddenly sprouting up. He has nearly caught up with Jacob in height. Yesterday I had them both in the same size pants (apparently we have two pairs of the same pants in the same size) and they fit the both of them! He has gotten so slender with all ths sprouting up. It is amusing because he has been so stocky for quite some time. He is suddenly starting to look like a "big kid" though, and losing some of that baby fat. I don't know why but it feels especially hard to see him leave babyhood behind. I know he isn't the "baby" of the family, but for some reason it seemed like he would stay my little bear for a long time. I don't know why but I always feel the need to baby him, and he seems to appreciate that, lol. But, he's not a baby anymore, he is becoming my big boy. Sigh....



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