31 January 2009

A Day of Errands

Today is Saturday, and we had a bit of running around to do. We had headed out to the Eicher's farm to pick up our milk and eggs when we realized that we did not have any cash, so we headed back towards town. On the way as we were passing one of the other family's home we saw that one of their cows was out. We stopped in to let them know, but they were not home. So we went to the Garber's to tell them. One of the young men came to help my husband get the cow back in the fence. After all of that we went back to the Eicher's to pick up our milk and eggs. Then we went to the bakery to do a little grocery shopping. Next we went into town and visited this bargain store that everyone had been telling us to go see. We found a nice black sweater (that is a cashmere blend) for $5! We also purchased a child sized mop, which Jacob is very excited about. We finished off our errands with a trip to Walmart. The boys were rather pleasant through such a busy day!

I finished writing a chore chart for Jacob and Joshua. I think Jacob will really like having set chores...he does like to work! :)

We are going to study our Sunday School lesson now, for tomorrow.


30 January 2009

An Extended Absence and Many Blessings

Well, my absence has been a little more extended than I had intended, but sometimes life has other plans than what we want,lol. Either way, I am here now :).

I have been busy, blessedly busy in so many ways. Yesterday I spent the greater part of the day sewing, making new dresses and a covering; something I have been needing to do for quite some time. And my husband also ordered me a few new dresses, so now I will be in good shape! My sewing to-do list had been incredibly long, but suddenly it has become considerably shorter. First, the Bishop's wife called to let me know that she had a bag of little boys' shirts and pants for me. Then several days later another lady called to tell me that she had a bag of baby clothes set aside for me. Then yesterday my husband orders me five new dresses! Isn't it amazing how God provides? It is so wonderful because there are so many things I had been really wanting to sew, but the necessary things had to take precedence. Well, now I will have time for a few of the special projects I have been wanting to work on. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

I have also had the wonderful blessing of having one of the girls from church come over once a week to help with cleaning and ironing. The extra help has been so lovely! I am feeling like I have time to work on some of the things that were constantly being pushed aside due to lack of time. Today I was finally able to cut out a few more napkins- something I have been needing to do for quite some time!

I have been going through some difficult times lately, but these blessings, however seemingly small, help me to remember how God is watching over me, and providing when there is a need (even in the littlest of things). If I can trust Him in these small things, can't I trust Him with the big things as well? I have been guilty lately of taking my focus off of the One who is in control and putting my eyes on my circumstances. I am reminded of a quote by J.I. Packer, "Contentment is essentially a matter of accepting from God's hand what He sends, because we know that He is good, and therefore it is good."

Yes, a quiet heart is content with what God gives. I need to write that somewhere that I will see it often.

05 January 2009

Christmas Cookies

Every year we bake gift basket for our friends and my husband's co-workers, and this year was no exception! It is always such a joy to spend the day baking together, especially knowing we are creating treats for those who we care about.

We made 16 baskets this year, and even included jars of homemade preserves and apple butter, with little miniature loaves of bread (a special request from one of my husband's co-workers :))

Frosty Bear

We found this cute little bear that you keep in the freezer for whenever a child might need an icepack, and our little bear has become quite fond of frosty bear! Everytime he gets even the slightest of "bonks" out comes the little bear from the freezer. I don't know if there is anything cuter or more pitiful than hearing "Need frosty bear" in his husky little voice!

A New Covering

Someone had asked me about a picture of the new (well, it was new about a month ago,lol) covering I had made, so here it is. I used the pattern for the traditional Mennonite covering but used a white cotton backed with two layers of stiff interfacing. Actually I take that back, this was the first one I made from that pattern and I only used one layer of interfacing. I was not satisfied with the fit so I made another one and I will have to ask my husband to take a picture of the new one, lol. I was having trouble with the pleats staying nice on this one, hence the second layer of interfacing. My husband said he also would prefer a closer fit in the back so I adjust the pleats. I will post a new picture soon. (really, I will, I promise I have not disappeared from blogland)
Ok, please excuse my silliness this evening, I really am tired,lol.

Christmas Cookies

Every year we bake gift basket for our friends and my husband's co-workers, and this year was no exception! It is always such a joy to spend the day baking together, especially knowing we are creating treats for those who we care about.

We made 16 baskets this year, and even included jars of homemade preserves and apple butter, with little miniature loaves of bread (a special request from one of my husband's co-workers :))

Pax Christi,

Frosty Bear

We found this cute little bear that you keep in the freezer for whenever a child might need an icepack, and our little bear has become quite fond of frosty bear! Everytime he gets even the slightest of "bonks" out comes the little bear from the freezer. I don't know if there is anything cuter or more pitiful than hearing "Need frosty bear" in his husky little voice!

With Christ's Love,