24 February 2006

Vet Appointment and Preparing to Move

Princess had her annual check-up this afternoon. She weighs nine and a half pounds...so she's a little overweight. I guess she just wanted to be like the rest of the family. :)

It's our last weekend in this house. We're going to be busy taking apart as much as can and finishing packing. I am nervously excited.

I think the plan is that Mom is coming Monday, and that afternoon Rick will load boxes onto the u-haul truck. The movers will be here Tuesday morning, and I am going to go over to the new house and paint Jake's bedroom. I really hope everything goes smoothly.

Princess was so well behaved at the vet. She sat so quietly in my lap, even when other dogs came in. She sat so patiently even though we had to wait over an hour. Jake got a little restless near the end. He was tired and ready for a nap. Princess even walked on a leash, which she had never done before. I was really proud of her.


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