25 February 2006

Merry Christmas!

24 February 2006

Vet Appointment and Preparing to Move

Princess had her annual check-up this afternoon. She weighs nine and a half pounds...so she's a little overweight. I guess she just wanted to be like the rest of the family. :)

It's our last weekend in this house. We're going to be busy taking apart as much as can and finishing packing. I am nervously excited.

I think the plan is that Mom is coming Monday, and that afternoon Rick will load boxes onto the u-haul truck. The movers will be here Tuesday morning, and I am going to go over to the new house and paint Jake's bedroom. I really hope everything goes smoothly.

Princess was so well behaved at the vet. She sat so quietly in my lap, even when other dogs came in. She sat so patiently even though we had to wait over an hour. Jake got a little restless near the end. He was tired and ready for a nap. Princess even walked on a leash, which she had never done before. I was really proud of her.

Christmas Pajamas

23 February 2006

Pizza Night

It is amazing how quiet the house is when Princess is not home. She is at her grooming appointment.

Today I am painting the rocking chairs for our new front porch.

Mom is coming on Monday. So she will be here to help with Jacob during the move. She might be staying until Thursday.

Princess is all pretty after her appointment. She looks so tiny with her hair cut short. Her little feet look so delicate.

We are having pizza tonight and we are just going to relax.

22 February 2006

Getting Ready to Move!

Two more birthday presents arrived today. Mom sent me an Anna Griffin scrapbooking kit to make a family album. Anna Griffin is my favorite paper crafting designer. And the second present was from Rick and it was a 2000 pc. scrapbooking kit. I am so excited to use them!

Rick gave me a beautiful diamond cross necklace for my birthday. My is it gorgeous!

Tomorrow morning Princess has a groomer's appointment and she has a vet appointment on Friday afternoon. I am trying to get her all set before we move. It is time for her annual check up and I can pick up her records while I am there.

Cindy sent me a lovely thank you card for the rice pad that I had made for her.

The movers are scheduled for next Tuesday. We also rented an additional truck from U-haul, because we will not fit in one truck.

Jacob has been in such a happy mood today. He slept in late- I think because of the rain. And he took a great nap this afternoon. He woke up just full of smiles. He really enjoyed his sweet potatoes for lunch.

Princess is a nervous wreck. She knows something is going on but she can't figure out what. She can be such a nervous little creature. She is constantly barking and pacing and acting out for attention. I hope she will adjust well at the new house. I know she will like being able to play outdoors.

Rick is bringing home even more boxes. I am amazed at the number of boxes we have.

21 February 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

I think somebody loves me! Rick left a trail of balloons going up the stairs and then on the back of my chair at the kitchen table (this is a family tradition). And he left a jump rope (we had been joking around about how much fun a jump rope would be) and a pink "Birthday Girl" ribbon. I have a strawberry cheesecake for my birthday cake (another tradition :))

One week until moving day. Mom is coming tomorrow to help with the last minute packing. She is going to help with Jacob while we move since it will probably be rather busy around here.

What a fantastic birthday this has been! Mom called this morning, then Memaw called and sang "Happy Birthday". Beth called, then Papa, then Dad. I feel so loved.

We are having dinner at Cracker Barrel.

What a good day. Birthdays are a great reminder that people are thinking about you and care for you!

18 February 2006

God Provides!

Ten days until moving day! Now it is really crunch time. We have to finish packing, schedule movers and finish all the last minute details.

It is so amazing how God is taking care of us. We got a check from our mortgage company (for the house we are renting out) the day before finding out that Rick's company isn't paying us a commission check in March. Wow.

17 February 2006


We are closing on the house this afternoon! We can't move in until the 28th, but at least the closing will be done and everything finalized. I have never been to a closing before...

We have closed on the house! I can't believe we have bought our house. After closing we went by the house again, and just walked around and talked about where we want to put things and such.

We went to dinner with Charles at Cracker Barrel afterwards. (my favorite :))

14 February 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Rick wrote me the sweetest message in his card. He said that I am an amazing girl and he couldn't have asked for a better wife. He also gave me a heart shaped box of my favorite chocolates and a white puppy stuffed animal that looks like Princess. He is bringing home a special dinner. We would rather enjoy a quiet special meal at home than a busy restaurant.

08 February 2006

Busy, Busy

I have been so busy this week that I have not had time to write! I have packed so much already. I am down to the difficult stuff, so that is not fun. We could be closing next week so it is definitely crunch time. I cannot believe how much stuff we have. I have pretty much been packing non stop so I am fairly tired.

I can hardly believe that we are moving. It has been so busy that it hardly seems real.

We had a nice date night when Mom and Dad were here. We went out for a steak and then a little shopping and a coffee. We had a lovely time!

07 February 2006

Sweet Kisses

06 February 2006

Jacob's Half Birthday


03 February 2006

Packing and a Date Night!

Mom and Dad are coming tomorrow and I still have so much to do. The house is a mess!

We are taking Jacob to have his photograph taken tomorrow morning. I wanted to have his picture taken at 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year at least. So that will be neat.

I am making good progress on the packing. Yesterday I found some decorations for the kitchen that I had forgotten about, so that was fun. It will be like having new things when we get to the new house.

Mom and Dad are planning to watch Jacob on Saturday evening so that Rick and I can go out to dinner. It will be nice to have a quiet dinner together, but I never leave Jacob so that will be difficult. But I am sure we will enjoy a nice dinner, just the two of us.

01 February 2006

A Better Mood

Well today I am feeling pretty happy. I think that the reality of having a signed contract is sinking in. Jacob is in a good mood this morning. All day yesterday and this morning he has been making a mom-mom sound. He is also making a bah sound. I can't believe he is nearly six months old!

I am feeling a little bit more relaxed about packing now that I know I have enough time.

Mom and Dad are coming for a visit this weekend. That will be nice.

It is time to have Jacob's photograph taken again. I want to see if we can do it Saturday morning before Mom and Dad arrive.