15 September 2011

The Last Days of Summer, The First Days of Fall

We've been cherishing these last warm days as Summer draws to a close and Fall's door opens. Since moving to Happy Hearts Farm, we've really discovered the simple joy of just being in God's creations. The smell of the earth around us, the sounds of the birds and breezes, the beauty of this land He created. It's hard not to be joyful!

Joseph has learned to ride his big boy bike and he's quite proud of himself! He can keep up with the other two, now! The boys new favorite thing is to race their bikes down the gravel driveway (and give Mama a small heart attack!)

I think we could just about live outside when the weather's nice. We are trying to savor every minute of it before it gets too cold and snowy!

A picture of brotherhood...Joseph scraped his ankle on his bike pedal. Jacob immediately offered to run get him a band-aid, and Joshua got into the chair with him to hug on him. It was precious to watch his brothers show him such kindness. A little while later, Joseph was trying to ride his bike back up the hill, but was struggling to make it. Jacob got behind him and helped to push him up the hill. It just made Joseph's day! Yes, my heart felt very full!

In His Abundant Joy,


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