16 August 2011

"God's Little Worker Bee"

The other week someone referred to me as "God's little worker bee". I thought it was such an interesting thing to say. After thinking about it a while, I realized, yes, perhaps we are called to be God's little worker bees.

But, how am I doing God's work? I am just a homemaker, just a mama, just a wife. My days would be considered mundane to many, full of diapers and baby rocking and meal making and laundry and nose wiping and cuddles and school and cleaning and child training and, and, and... Nothing that's "exciting", just simple things. Gathering eggs or pulling weeds. Having a talk about being kind to your brother. Teaching letters and numbers. Singing songs about joy. Baking bread. Canning peaches. Fixing a hem. Sewing a button on a pajama shirt...

Oh wait! These are the things God called me to do! These are important works in God's Kingdom!

Yes, we've been busy lately. I've been busy lately. With the garden doing well, and our friends' sharing their excess with us, there's been lots to can! With growing boys there have been new pajamas to sew. With eager minds wanting to learn, there has been lots of school work to do. With boys who are learning and growing come characters that need developing! I suppose I have been busy with being God's little worker bee. :)

I am so blessed to be a worker bee in God's Kingdom.

Love in His Precious Name,


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